NewsFarage half celebrates: "There will be Brexit, but maybe...

Farage half celebrates: "There will be Brexit, but maybe not the right one"

Nigel Farage celebrates, but with the handbrake on, the first results in the British elections. The leader of the Brexit Party has said that now there will be Brexit "but perhaps not the right one." Farage has told the BBC that although his political formation did not expect these results – his party would not achieve any seats – "if we win Brexit, we will have done a good job. "" My goal was to try to achieve the best kind of Brexit. If we get at least a part of it, well, we will have achieved that, "he said. Farage has assured that he cannot support Johnson's Brexit, as he believes that whatever happens there will continue to be a very close relationship with the European Union in the future. Farage has stated that we will have to wait to see where they are "in six months." He may, he has said, "have to throw his hat back in the ring." Farage, of course, had already announced that his party would not appear in places where the Conservatives were strong so as not to interfere with them. Of course, this strategy did not apply to places where there were possibilities of challenging Labor for new seats. Of course, according to the data, they have been left with votes that in other elections were Labor.

Brexit pioneer Farage gets his own TV show

He wants to report on things "that everyone else wants to ignore," says Nigel Farage. The former Ukip boss is now on the air at GB News.

UK: British Brexit Minister David Frost admits they 'underestimated' the economic effects of the...

The UK Government's Minister for Brexit, David Frost, admits that the British Executive "underestimated the effect of the protocol on the movement of goods to Northern Ireland."

UK elections: Boris Johnson sweeps the British elections and achieves an absolute majority to...

Boris Johnson achieved the absolute majority he wanted to complete Brexit, which will now be a reality. The Conservative Party has won hands down in the UK House of Commons elections, exceeding, by a large margin, the number needed to dominate Parliament. The polls thus proved the charismatic Tory leader right against Jeremy Corbyn who has led Labor to their worst result since 1935!

Brexit: Boris Johnson makes it clear that he will not ask for any extension...

Boris Johnson has been unhappy throughout this Friday, after hinting that he intended to request a new extension for Brexit, set for the next and imminent October 31. The British prime minister said shortly after that such an extension is not being considered: "New agreement or no agreement, but no delay" has assured.

Brexit: Boris Johnson maintains that orderly rupture depends "on the common sense of the...

Boris Johnson has placed on the EU the responsibility of reaching an orderly Brexit, assuring this Sunday that it depends "on the common sense of the European Union" to reach a final agreement.
