NewsFire in the Harz Mountains triggers a disaster: the...

Fire in the Harz Mountains triggers a disaster: the situation worsens – the affected area is even larger than expected

Created: 05.09.2022 Updated: 09/05/2022 09:29 am

Rauch am Brocken
A column of smoke rises from the Brocken. © dpa/Matthias Leg

More than 300 emergency services are currently fighting the flames in the Harz Mountains in Saxony-Anhalt, and a fire is spreading rapidly on the Brocken. The news ticker.

  • Planes from Italy are to help with extinguishing work : Two machines have taken off in Rome to provide support.
  • Evacuation successful: Tourists brought to safety with buses and Brockenbahn.
  • Disaster declared: Forest fire in the Harz district not under control.
  • This live ticker for the forest fire in the Harz National Park is constantly updated.

Update from September 5th, 9.25 a.m .: The major fire on the Brocken in the Harz Mountains is still not under control on the third day. That said a spokesman for the Harz district on Monday morning in Wernigerode. In some places, the fire is said to have spread further. In the morning, the district announced that the fire had not spread further during the night. The authorities therefore continue to assume a burning area totaling around 150 hectares (1.5 square kilometers). Fire-fighting planes and helicopters should take off in the morning.

To do this, the time window for the water drops would have to be coordinated, said the spokesman. Therefore, a second technical operations management from Goslar was set up. According to the district administration, the federal police and armed forces are supporting the refueling of aircraft with mobile filling stations. The Braunschweig fire brigade and Braunschweig airport refuel the fire-fighting aircraft.

Forest fire in the Harz Mountains continues to spread at breakneck speed

Update from September 4th, 5:29 p.m .: Trees burning brightly, a blocked peak in the national park and help from abroad: by late Sunday afternoon the affected area, on which mainly dead spruce trees are, was around 150 hectares (1, 5 square kilometers) has grown, the Harz district announced. A good 60 hectares had previously been mentioned (see first report). The situation is steadily worsening.

Update from September 4th, 3:31 p.m.: Italy sent two fire-fighting planes to Germany to help fight the forest fire on the Brocken in the Harz Mountains. The Canadair CL 415 machines took off in Rome on Sunday afternoon and made their way to Braunschweig-Wolfsburg Airport, as announced by the Italian civil defense.

Planes from Italy should help with extinguishing work: forest fire in the Harz Mountains continues to rage

The planes of the Italian fire brigade are on their way to the forest fire in the Harz Mountains. The machines can absorb and discharge more than 6000 liters of water. They had been requested as part of the European aid project “RescEU-IT” via the central coordination office in Brussels. Italy regularly provides its EU partners with planes and pilots to fight forest fires.

The forest fire had recently spread further below the Brocken summit in the Harz Mountains. The district administrator declared the emergency. Five fire-fighting helicopters and more than 300 emergency services fought the flames, and a good 50 police officers secured the area.

Evacuation successful: Tourists brought to safety with buses and Brockenbahn

Update from September 4th, 2:04 p.m .: The fire in the Harz National Park broke out on Saturday around 2:30 p.m. on the so-called Goetheweg near the Goethebahnhof vantage point, a police spokesman said. The so-called Goetheweg to the Brocken is one of the most frequented hiking trails in the Harz National Park. Some of the hikers, day-trippers and hotel guests there were taken to safety by buses from the summit because of the heavy smoke, but some were also transported down to the valley with the so-called Brockenbahn.

evakuierung touristen ausflügler wanderer hotelgäste gipfel harz schmalspurbahn
The summit is evacuated. Passengers of the Harz narrow-gauge railway and visitors to the Brocken get on the train. © Matthias Bein/dpa +++ dpa picture radio

The plateau of the mountain, popular with tourists, had already been completely evacuated by Saturday evening. Among other things, there is a hotel and the Brocken station of the Harz narrow-gauge railways on the summit. A spokeswoman for the city of Wernigerode announced on Saturday that the evacuation of tourists from the summit was going smoothly. The Brockenbahn has stopped passenger operations. “The tank wagons are now bringing extinguishing water to the fire brigade forces,” the spokeswoman continued. A forest fire broke out near Schierke at the foot of the Brocken on August 11th

Waldbrand Brand Harzer Schmalspurbahn HSB Bahnhof Brocken Sicherheit touristen
Passengers of the Harzer Schmalspurbahn HSB stand at the Brocken train station on Saturday (September 3rd) and wait to be taken to safety. A forest fire had broken out below the top of the mountain. © Matthias Bein/dpa +++ dpa picture radio +++

Disaster declared: Forest fire in the Harz district not under control

First report: Wernigerode – Numerous forest fires had caused a stir during the summer, and emergency services had fought the flames in many places in Germany. Only a few weeks ago the Grunewald had burned in Berlin. Now even a disaster has been declared due to a rapidly spreading fire. The fire that broke out in the Harz district is currently not under control.

Fire in the Harz Mountains triggers disaster: 300 emergency services – support requested from abroad

District Administrator Thomas Balcerowski (CDU) declared a disaster on Sunday morning because of the rapidly spreading fire below the Brocken summit in the Harz Mountains. Wernigerode’s city spokeswoman Ariane Hofmann announced that the district of Harz assumes that extinguishing work will take several days. The fire that broke out on Saturday was initially not under control on Sunday and raged over an area of around 62 hectares. Above all, dead spruce stands burned.

Accordingly, there are currently five firefighting helicopters and more than 300 emergency services on site, and around 50 police forces are securing the area around the Brocken. This area is currently closed to visitors. Support is also to be sought from abroad, two fire-fighting aircraft from other European countries are expected to arrive on Sunday. A no-fly zone for civil air traffic has been set up within a radius of 40 kilometers on the Brocken. The town of Schierke, which belongs to Wernigerode, is not at risk, it said.

Brocken in the Harz Mountains: Fire causes large-scale operation – flames not yet under control

The Harz narrow-gauge railways do not go up the 1141-meter-high mountain on Sunday. As the railway company announced on its website, there is limited train service between Wernigerode and Drei Annen Hohne. The fire broke out on Saturday around 2:30 p.m. on the so-called Goetheweg near the Goethebahnhof vantage point. The Goetheweg to the Brocken is one of the most frequented hiking trails in the Harz National Park.

It was only in the summer that a forest fire in Saxon Switzerland pushed hundreds of emergency services to their limits.

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