NewsFirst active NFL professional makes homosexuality public

First active NFL professional makes homosexuality public

The NFL is the most popular professional league in the United States. For many people, players there are the symbol of strength and masculinity. Now the first active footballer has made his homosexuality public and thus provoked a lot of positive reactions.

Las Vegas (AP) – The football professional Carl Nassib has made his homosexuality public in a much-noticed step as the first active NFL player. “What’s up, people,” said the defensive end of the Las Vegas Raiders in a video posted on Instagram on Monday (local time). «I just wanted to take a moment and say that I’m gay. I’ve wanted to do this for a while and I’m finally comfortable getting rid of it. “

The 28-year-old thanked his family and friends for the support he had recently made it possible to “say publicly and proudly that I am gay”. He added in an accompanying text that this moment had tormented him “sadly” for the past 15 years.

Nassib reported that he had received support from the NFL, his coaches and teammates. He was immediately greeted with “the greatest respect and acceptance”. He doesn’t take the step because he wants attention. “I just think representation and visibility are so important,” he said. He will support the Trevor Project with 100,000 US dollars. The organization runs a telephone counseling service for young LGBTQ people.

“The NFL family is proud of Carl for sharing his truth so courageously today,” said NFL boss Roger Goodell in a statement. «Representation is important. We share his hope that statements like his will one day run out of news as we march towards full equality for the LGBTQ + community. We wish Carl the best of luck for the upcoming season. “

The wide-reaching reactions in the social networks were also predominantly positive and supportive. The Raiders commented, “Are proud of you, Carl”. The post was shared by the Los Angeles Chargers and headed “Some things are bigger than a rivalry”. LGBTQ + community stakeholders praised the move as important and helpful.

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