News"Freedom Day" in Bavaria? Corona rules remain in schools...

"Freedom Day" in Bavaria? Corona rules remain in schools – "Infection unacceptable"

New corona rules have been in effect in Bavaria since Thursday. Is Freedom Day coming soon? The state government warns of “contamination” in schools. All news in the ticker.

  • Markus Söder* announced the relaxation plan for Bavaria. However, the measures should remain in schools.
  • Head of the State Chancellery Florian Herrmann has been infected with Corona * for the second time.
  • This news ticker is updated regularly.

Munich – The federal and state governments agreed on a phased plan for easing the corona measures in Germany on Wednesday. Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) had previously announced his plans for Bavaria. The easing in Bavaria has been in effect since Thursday (February 17), you can find an overview here. Söder was also confident about Bavaria’s folk festivals on Thursday.

The state government had demanded opening perspectives for clubs and discos from the federal government and announced that it would switch to 3G in the catering industry. These are now reflected in the decision. When asked by whether Bavaria – as provided for in the decision – will open clubs on March 4th, a ministry spokesman said: “This decision is reserved for the Council of Ministers”. It remains to be seen whether Söder in Bavaria will go a separate way again or not. A kind of “Freedom Day” on March 20th will most likely also come to Bavaria. However, all the rules are not lifted then.

“Freedom Day” in Bavaria: Corona rules in schools should remain

In Bavaria’s schools, masks are currently mandatory – even at the seat. However, easing is not planned for the time being, not even after March 20th. One should now “not allow oneself to be tempted to prematurely lift effective protective measures such as masks and tests,” said Minister of Education Michael Piazolo (free voters) of the Augsburger Allgemeine . But he understands “the need of many students to return to school life as we knew it before Corona as quickly as possible”. The ultimate goal is to continue to teach in person.

In the decision of the federal and state governments, Bavaria had added a protocol statement, which also dealt with the regulations in schools. “Bavaria is concerned about the protection of our children and young people in schools and day-care centers if the legal basis for protection against infection for the previous protective measures is removed or weakened,” it says. “An ‘infestation’ of the younger generation is unacceptable.”

(By the way: Our Bayern newsletter informs you about all the important stories from Bavaria. Register here.)

Corona in Bavaria: Head of State Chancellery Florian Herrmann positive for the second time

The next corona infection among Söder’s ministers: After Health Minister Klaus Holetschek two weeks ago *, Head of State Chancellery Florian Herrmann is now following. “No symptoms, but a positive PCR test,” the minister said on Twitter. He immediately went into isolation. “I’m really happy to be boosted and can only strongly recommend: Go get vaccinated, protect yourself and stay healthy!” This is the second time Herrmann has been infected with the virus. The head of the state chancellery had already tested positive for Corona at the end of 2020 *.

Markus Söder wished him “a mild course” via Twitter. The appeal to be vaccinated is correct. (tkip) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

List of rubrics: © Matthias Balk/dpa

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Freedom Day in Germany? Some corona measures will be canceled on Sunday. In Bavaria, too, it is relaxed. You need to know this now.
