Tech UPTechnologyGamer's Day: in 2022 gamers will suffer when putting...

Gamer's Day: in 2022 gamers will suffer when putting together their dream set

Mexico is growing as one of the most important countries in the gaming market. According to data from The Competitive Intelligence Unit (CIU), at the end of 2021, 76.1 million players were registered. This figure represented a growth of 6%, a figure that shows the incorporation of new participants.

An example of this is that between January and August of this year there has been a 33% growth in Mercado Libre in the console category compared to last year and May was the month with the highest increase (64%), due to the fact that the gamers took advantage of the Hot Sale offers.

For the most experienced it can be easy to identify the necessary devices to have the best quality of the game, but those who are just starting out in this medium may find the number of devices that they must take into account overwhelming. Therefore, we make this note to guide you in the first steps.

PC gamers can be the most demanding

Buying or building a computer can be one of the most complex tasks in the gamer world. However, there are certain fundamental aspects that you must consider so that your computer does not stay halfway and you can play without interruptions.

Among the central points that a gaming computer must have is the processor. Although there is an important variety of brands, the best positioned in the panorama are Ryzen, from AMD, and Core, from Intel.

In order to have the best image quality when playing games, it is necessary to have a graphics card powerful enough to support the latest generation games and despite the fact that there is a wide variety of offers on the market, Nvidia and AMD are the best options , although their price ranges are very varied.

Therefore, you must be clear about your needs and demands when playing, because if you like to play titles in which many things happen at the same time, a GPU with higher power (and higher price) will be ideal. If you’re looking for 4K VR gaming, a high-end card would be best, though the expense will be high.

Storage capacity and RAM memory are also two important elements to obtain good performance during the game, so you should look for the best options in this sector.

The monitor is also a component that you should not underestimate and among its most important features is that it has a refresh rate greater than 120 Hz to get the most out of the investment you have made in the other elements. At this point, brands like LG and Samsung are also making inroads effectively.

If you want to avoid the process of building a computer, keep in mind that there are specialized computers and laptops in this sector from various brands, such as ASUS Republic of Gamers, Lenovo or MSI, among others.

Peripherals complement the game

The keyboard and the mouse are the vital accessories in any gamer set and in the midst of all the wide range that exists, the aspects that you must consider over any other is that they are ergonomic, since it is assumed that you are going to use them for long periods and mechanical.

Although it may seem like an eccentricity, the fact that a keyboard is mechanical can change the gaming experience completely and that is because membrane keyboards tend to harden when they wear out, so the gaming experience is no longer the same. In addition, some models only allow a specific number of keystrokes at a time, something that does not happen with mechanical keyboards.

Headsets with a microphone are quite important, especially in team games where real-time coordination is required to generate strategies during the game. In all three segments, Logitech and Razer are brands that have positioned themselves as the most important in the industry.

Consoles and mobiles, an expense for traditional and casual gamers

Not all gamers are interested in building or buying a gaming PC and for them there are alternatives such as consoles and smartphones. In the case of the latest generation consoles, the cheapest is Xbox Series S (6,399 pesos), while Series X almost doubles its price (11,899). Although you can also choose the , which is already available in Mexico.

On the other hand, Japanese companies also have a significant share. In the case of Nintendo, it has Swtich, its hybrid console available in Oled (7,599 pesos) and Lite (3,900 pesos) models, while Sony has just raised the prices of its PlayStation 5.

The mobile gaming market in Mexico is the most important, since 75% of gamers play in this format daily, according to a study by the Adsmovil agency, which is why smartphone companies are betting more and more on it.

Brands such as Xiaomi, Realme or Oppo are entering the Mexican market based on their features for the gamer public and are competing with Motorola, Samsung and even iPhone in offering good experiences for this public.

In addition, the smartphone sector is taking advantage of the subscription model for digital gaming services, such as Game Pass, Apple Arcade or even Netflix Games to become a very relevant player in the gaming industry.

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