Two discoveries were made in Australia and Mexico that could prove the existence of the previously extinct prehistoric basking shark Megalodon.
Ensenada – Sharks are among the most dangerous marine animals on our planet. But in the depths of the world’s oceans there is said to be a completely different specimen that even surpasses the shark: the megalodon, a primeval basking shark. There are many myths surrounding the primeval basking shark and the rumors are persistent that it actually still exists.
Researchers are actually certain that the megalodon became extinct more than three million years ago. With a body length of 15 to 20 meters, it is said to have been the largest shark in the history of the earth and thus larger than previously assumed (BW24* reported). Now there were two sightings within a very short time, which should refute the theories of the researchers.
Sharks with bite wounds are said to prove the existence of prehistoric basking sharks
People who are convinced of the existence of the megalodon now feel confirmed in their belief after the sighting of two sharks with bite wounds. Photographer Dean Spraakman captured a shot off the Australian coast and posted it on YouTube. Diver Jalil Najafov also made a similar discovery off the Mexican coast in Ensenada, snapping a photo of a great white shark also covered in severe and huge wounds.
In the comments, the users are sure that the serious injuries can only come from a megalodon. The myth of the primeval basking shark is fueled again and again by the discovery of teeth, even if they are demonstrably very old, but the recordings create a real hype about the megalodon.
Diver surprised by discovery: “Never seen it in my life”
Experienced diver Jalil Najafov still can’t believe his discovery: “I was really surprised because I’ve never seen anything like it in my life,” says Najafov. Equally impressive were the recordings by researchers of how orcas eat gigantic blue whales alive*.
The scientific director of the research facility “Saving the blue”, Tristan Cuttridge, analyzed the alleged evidence. His verdict: “For me, the shape probably indicates a bite from another shark.” In addition, according to marine biologist David Ebert, even the most recent evidence of its former existence is more than 1.5 million years old. However, fans still hope that the megalodon exists, because many parts of the sea are still unexplored. *BW24 is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.