NewsHalf a school year face-to-face classes lost

Half a school year face-to-face classes lost

If you add up the time that students in Germany lost in the classroom due to the pandemic, this adds up to an average of half a school year.

Berlin (dpa) – According to the German Teachers' Association, the almost eleven million schoolchildren in Germany have had to forego around half of the school hours in face-to-face classes since the beginning of the corona pandemic.

Since March 2020, an average of between 350 and 800 hours of face-to-face lessons have been lost for each student, said association president Heinz-Peter Meidinger of "Bild". "That is probably half a school year on average."

Meidinger demanded differentiated solutions in order to close the gaps that had arisen. Mandatory additional offers are necessary in the next school year, in the afternoons, but also on weekends and during the holidays. “That can also be digital tutoring.” Nobody knows yet where, given the shortage of teachers, the additional staff to promote learning will come from. "It will not work without student teachers and teachers who are already retired," he warned.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210515-99-604219 / 2

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