NewsHarry and Meghan announce Corona aid project in India

Harry and Meghan announce Corona aid project in India

Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan are advancing their charitable work. Just in time for their third wedding anniversary, they announce a new project.

Los Angeles (AP) – Prince Harry (36) and Duchess Meghan (39) have announced a new project of their non-profit organization Archewell on their third wedding anniversary.

Together with the non-governmental organization World Central Kitchen, they want to set up an aid center in the Indian city of Mumbai to help those in need during the corona pandemic. “Hundreds of thousands of people have lost their lives, millions are infected and there is great concern that the crisis is worse than it is reported,” said a statement on the Archewell website.

The two organizations are already running an initiative together on the Caribbean island of Dominica, and a center is being set up in Puerto Rico to distribute food and provide other crisis relief services.

The couple broke away from the inner circle of the British royal family a little more than a year ago and moved their center of life to California. They are involved in several social projects through their organization Archewell. At the beginning of May, on the second birthday of their son Archie, they called for donations for corona vaccinations in poorer countries. In the summer, Meghan and Harry are expecting the birth of a girl.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210520-99-669240 / 2


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