NewsHarry and Meghan: Surprising request to Queen Elizabeth II.

Harry and Meghan: Surprising request to Queen Elizabeth II.

Will the long-awaited reconciliation follow? Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan are said to have turned to Queen Elizabeth II with an unexpected offer.

Montecito – Since their resignation as senior royals, Prince Harry (36) and Duchess Meghan (40) have gradually alienated themselves from the British royal family. Serious allegations and allegations have ensured that Queen Elizabeth II and the Sussexes not only separate a spatial, but also an emotional distance.

Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan are still said to have a chilled relationship with the 95-year-old, they now want to save this broken relationship. According to an insider, the two are said to have made a special request to Queen Elizabeth II. Meghan and Harry apparently want to start a new attempt at reconciliation. The couple is said to have offered to travel to England to meet the monarch. * knows how the palace responded to Meghan and Harry’s request to Queen Elizabeth II.

Duchess Meghan has not returned to her husband’s home since the Megxit in March 2020, Prince Harry has already traveled to England twice this year. After attending Prince Philips’ (99, † 2021) funeral in April, Harry is said to have already met with Queen Elizabeth II in secret, but there does not seem to have been a major debate. * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

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