NewsHeidi Klum: The next mega-star now shows his daughter...

Heidi Klum: The next mega-star now shows his daughter in public like Leni

Leni Klum has reached the public. Another Hollywood star now has the daughter by his side on the red carpet.

Dortmund – In February of this year Leni Klum, daughter of top model Heidi Klum, celebrated her television debut: In the 16th season of “Germany’s Next Top Model”, the model mom presented her daughter to the public. But not only Heidi Klum: As RUHR24 * knows, another celebrity mom has now also taken her children to the red carpet – which attracted particular attention from one of her daughters.

Young model Shiloh Jolie-Pitt
Date of birth May 27, 2006
parents Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt

Heidi Klum and Angelina Jolie: famous mothers, talented daughters

However, she does not want to follow in her mother’s footsteps: The plans of Shiloh Jolie-Pitt, daughter of Hollywood star Angelina Jolie, also look different. But she too stepped into the limelight at the side of her famous mother (more news from the world of celebrities * at RUHR24).

At the premiere of the new Marvel movie “Eternals”, in which Jolie plays the strong Thena, the actress took five of her six children with her. And especially daughter Shiloh, who beamed into the cameras alongside her siblings Zahara (16), Vivienne (13), Maddox (20) and Knox (13), attracted attention at the appearance.

And so the daughter of the Hollywood star follows her mother into the world of stars and celebrities – just like Heidi and Leni Klum have already shown: Behind the successful mother Heidi Klum, the equally beautiful and talented young model Leni is currently growing to full size.

Like Heidi and Leni Klum: Angelina Jolie also takes children with her on the red carpet

At the same time, she already made her first “faux pas” when she presented herself on Instagram without a bikini * – but it also cleverly catapulted herself onto some front pages. Without any scandal, Shiloh Jolie-Pitt is now apparently stepping out of the shadow of her famous mother to be in the spotlight herself.

Angelina Jolie Eternals


Angelina Jolie at the premiere of “Eternals” with five of her six children: (from left) Shiloh (15) Zahara (16), Vivienne (13), Maddox (20) and Knox (13)

The 15-year-old wants to start her career in the fashion industry, reports Life and Style. And not – like mother Angelina – as an actress. Apparently, an insider is said to have revealed to the magazine that the 15-year-old had already received first model offers.

Angelina Jolie: Daughter Shiloh wants to get started in the fashion industry like Leni Klum

It is primarily her sister Zahara (16), who is the real “fashionista” of the family. But Shiloh has now infected them with her sense of fashion. At the premiere of the film in London, Shiloh aroused the interest of the audience when she presented one of her mother’s old Dior dresses in her very own style in front of the camera.

The Oscar winner herself, on the other hand, presented herself in a rather simple black and white look and wore a blazer, which she combined with a long skirt and casual shirt. * RUHR24 is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

Headline list image: © JC Olivera / AFP, Chris Delmas / AFP; Collage: RUHR24

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