NewsHero bitch Kabang dies - she saved the lives...

Hero bitch Kabang dies – she saved the lives of two children

The bitch Kabang saved two children from certain death and lost part of their snout for it. Now the dog heroine is dead.

Philippines – There are many heroes on four paws – for example dogs that call the emergency doctor (* reported). Ten years ago, however, there was a particularly touching act of animal love for people in the Philippines. The bitch Kabang saved the lives of two girls at the time.

A motorcycle had raced towards them and Kabang had not hesitated for a second and sacrificed herself for the two by throwing herself protectively in front of them. The bitch lost parts of her snout and jaw *, but survived and was celebrated by the people on her return. Only now – ten years later – has the extraordinary animal died, as reported by “”.

Kabang was hailed as a heroine after her rescue

At that time, a large number of people donated around 22,000 euros for Kabang, which could be used to pay for several plastic surgeries to save them. Despite several interventions, her snout remained clearly disfigured.

Kabang paid a high price for her rescue * – but she survived the act of rescue and was celebrated as a heroine for it. In 2013 she returned to her hometown of Zamboanga after a long treatment at the University Hospital of Davis, Northern California. She was chauffeured in a motorcade to the town hall, where the mayor awarded her the title “Pride of Zamboanga”.

Dina Bunggal, one of the girls whose life she had saved, said at the time: “She is not just my friend, she is like part of our family.” Perhaps she would not be alive today without Kabang, she said loudly “rtl. de “was also added.

Fans worldwide mourn the heroine on four paws.

Now owner Anton Mari Lim has announced the death of Kabang on Facebook *. People all over the world mourn the dead heroine.

The veterinarian who treated the deceased mixed breed dog to the last announced that he would miss the joyful greeting of the dog: “You have always been a heroine, more selfless than everyone else. You were just there. ”The vet did not disclose the cause of death of the bitch.

Kabang the bitch gets a statue in honor of her heroic deed

In her hometown of Zamboanga, Kabang is now to receive a memorial in the form of a statue. The staue will stand at the foot of a vault, where the bitch’s remains will be buried. The whole thing is paid for by a US fan of the bitch. To say goodbye, many fans and users wrote one last “run on, Kabang” to the heroic bitch on social media. * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

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