FunHolistic medicine: what it is, how it works and...

Holistic medicine: what it is, how it works and what it is used for

Holistic medicine, although much mentioned, is not entirely known. This is a type of medicine in which the patient as a whole is taken into account, that is, both the body and the mind , and not only for their symptoms. So let’s see in more detail what holistic medicine is, how it works and what it is used for.

Holistic medicine: what it is, how it works and what it is used for

Instead of focusing on the symptoms that cause pain or discomfort, holistic medicine treats human beings on six levels : physical, emotional, mental, sociocultural, environmental and spiritual, so it can be said that holistic therapy is the art to take care of the human being as a whole.

Origins and etymology

The expression ” holistic” is derived from the Greek “holos” which means “everything .” By its etymology, holistic therapy would aim to care for the patient “as a whole” or “relative to a whole” so that in practice, it takes more factors into account compared to allopathic medicine.


Holistic medicine is based on energy approaches (quantum medicine, Chinese medicine, magnetism (magnets, geobiology, etc.), mental (analytical or not), environmental (ecology and health), sociocultural (impact of the media, education that is receives or even the art we surround ourselves with), and transpersonal (or spiritual). It is an unconventional medicine, which is based on the principles of holism (which is interested in its object in integrality) and on methods based In the integrity of the human being in the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, environmental, sociocultural sense In summary, the aim of holistic medicine would be to consider the patient as a person and not as a simple patient.

What can be treated with this medicine

Holistic medicine treats various disorders such as:

  • stress,
  • sleep disorders,
  • Back pain,
  • migraines
  • weight problems,
  • chronic diseases,
  • emotional disorders or illnesses.

But it is impossible to make an exhaustive list because holistic therapy could be applied in many other therapies, although many times it is the legal context that places limits on the acts authorized or not by practitioners with countries in which this type of medicine is somewhat common, as is the case for example in Switzerland while in other countries it has a fairly strict control. In our country for example, only a qualified health practitioner can practice alternative therapies , which is how holistic medicine is definitely considered.


There are no general contraindications for this type of medicine . Contraindications will be more linked to the technique used (massage, acupuncture …). It is up to the doctor to tailor the therapy according to the patient.

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