NewsHot surprise in September? Weather high "Gaya" brings summer...

Hot surprise in September? Weather high "Gaya" brings summer back again

Will there be sunny bathing weather again soon? A meteorologist is already forecasting temperatures of up to hot 30 degrees in Germany for the next few days.

Kassel – At the moment it is rather gray and wet in Germany – at night the temperatures locally even drop to single-digit degrees. Most people will therefore have already completed the summer of 2021. However, a weather expert soon sees a long period of good weather.

This should bring us up to 30 degrees and permanent hours of sunshine at the beginning of the second week of September. Forecasts for the coming days already promise higher temperatures and lots of sunshine. According to graduate meteorologist Dominik Jung from, this is due to the high “Gaya”, which is currently sweeping across Europe and brought us a few days of sunshine for a short time in the last week of August.

Wetter in Deutschland: In den kommenden Tagen soll der Sommer wieder einkehren. Aktuelle Prognosen zeigen Temperaturen bis zu 30 Grad. (Symbolbild)


Weather in Germany: Summer should return in the coming days. Current forecasts show temperatures of up to 30 degrees. (Symbol image)

Summer comeback for Germany – this is how the weather will be in the coming days

Hurricane Ida, which raged on the south coast of the USA and caused a lot of destruction, especially in the state of Louisiana, is to blame for the late summer in Germany. According to Jung, this tropical cyclone pushes the fine weather high further to Europe, which should result in sunny, warm weather. A golden autumn does not seem unlikely. Before that, a weather expert had already raised hopes for an Indian summer *.

From Wednesday evening (01.09.2021) at the latest, dense cloud cover should loosen up in large parts of Germany and let the sunshine through. Even hot days are possible again in some places. This particularly affects the west of Germany. The following weather forecast is currently valid:

  • Thursday: 18 to 25 degrees, friendly and dry
  • Friday: 20 to 26 degrees, lots of sunshine and dry
  • Saturday: 19 to 29 degrees, lots of sunshine and dry
  • Sunday: 22 to 30 degrees, sunny and dry
  • Monday: 23 to 31 degrees, friendly and mostly dry
  • Tuesday: 24 to 30 degrees, quite friendly and dry

You can find more interesting weather news * on our HNA topic page.

Weather in Germany: is the longest summer phase of the year coming?

The meteorologists of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) from the USA also provide a first graph for the weather in the coming autumn and winter. The months December to February in particular should therefore be rather unusual. “In any case, it is a very exciting development this year,” said Jung about the current climate trends.

However, it is still uncertain when the upcoming summer weather could end again. “Is that the longest summer phase of the entire year 2021 ahead of us? According to the current calculations, that is at least not excluded, ”explains the weather expert. (Alina Schröder)

List of rubric lists: © Wolfgang Kumm / dpa

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