FunHow long does it take to get to Mars...

How long does it take to get to Mars and how many kilometers are there?

In these times in which man seems to have forgotten about the Moon, and his attempts to conquer outer space go through other planets, especially Mars, you probably want to know how long it takes us to reach this celestial body, if that is what it is measurable. So you want to know how long it takes to get to Mars ? Let’s find out.

In fact, it is an issue that caused quite a stir with the latest expedition of NASA’s Perseverance rover, a satellite that landed on the fourth planet in the Solar System on February 18, after several months in orbit, as part of the Mars2020 mission, whose objective is none other than to search for remains of life on the surface of the “red planet”, and bring them for research.

In any case, we can know that this ship, between its takeoff from Cape Canaveral in Florida, until its landing on Mars, was a total of 202 days, a figure that serves as a reference but insufficient when it comes to answering how much it takes time to get to Mars.

The first thing we must point out, in this sense, is that there is no single or definitive answer to that question, since there are several factors that have a direct impact on the distance between planets, without losing sight of the type of ship. and other “changing” conditions.

Distance between Mars and Earth

As we said, the distance between the Earth and Mars is not always the same, and this is due to the movement that both planets trace around the Sun, and it is enough to take a look at any image of these, to realize that the point of minor Distance occurs when the Earth moves away from the Sun , while Mars approaches, approaching each other.

In fact, NASA studies indicate that this would place the planets at a distance of only 54.6 million kilometers, a situation that has not occurred so far according to the studies, although other similar ones, such as the distance from 56 million kilometers in 2003 . On the other hand, extreme distance would locate them some 400 million kilometers apart.

For this reason, international space agencies take advantage of the times of the calendar in which Earth and Mars are rather close, since this directly influences logistical efforts, increasing or reducing the expense and difficulties of each project. This makes it easier to get to Mars.

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