FunHow many books do Spaniards read a year?

How many books do Spaniards read a year?

But the worst thing is not that, but among the reasons for not reading, those who do not like or are interested (42.3%) and those who prefer to dedicate their time to something else (16.5%) win by a landslide. The price of books matters little, since for less than 1% it is a cause for not reading.

On the other hand, in the last major study on world reading habits published in March 2016 by researchers from the Central Conecticut State University, where reading habits in more than 60 countries have been analyzed, the five most readers in the world They are from Northern Europe: Finland, Norway, Iceland, Denmark and Sweden.

It is not strange to find Finland in the first position as its educational system is considered the best in the world. It could also be argued that it is not the same to live near the Arctic Circle as it is on the Costa del Sol, but that does not justify Spain sinking in 35th place, well below Italy, Malta or Cyprus and light-years from Germany. United States, France, Holland, Switzerland, Australia or Canada. On the other hand, the study reveals that there is a strong correlation between reading level and the country's socioeconomic development.

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