Tech UPTechnologyHow to buy safely online

How to buy safely online

We have changed our consumption habits, and the purchases we make through our computer or smartphone do not stop growing. Above all, the pandemic has been the trigger for a phenomenon that has been pushing for years. However, buying from a mobile device is not without risks. Those who play with the illusions of buyers do not stop setting traps and make everything increasingly difficult. Protecting yourself from scam attempts is the only answer, that’s why we reveal the details that can prevent you from falling for any of these tricks and, incidentally, save yourself an upset.

Buy safely online: the keys

There are many ways to avoid being scammed, but the main one is to always use common sense when buying. If you find an item, generally technological, at an outrageously low price, think badly. Nobody is going to offer you a high-end and next-generation mobile phone for 100 euros, unless it is a fake. Scammers are aware of the cravings that take over many consumers at certain times, so you have to buy with a cool head.

Trusted web pages apply secure protocols. What does this mean? That they apply some ciphers that help transactions to be carried out correctly. You will recognize secure web pages by having a lock at the beginning of the address bar. Therefore, if you live to buy on a website and that security protocol is not followed, you better look elsewhere.

Sometimes we find a product on a website that we do not know, but the price is tempting. If there are no references, what do we do? Google the opinions of other people who have bought there before you. Just type “website name + reviews”. If you can’t find anything, it’s better not to try.

Pages that are designed to scam usually do not provide contact details, and if they do, they are false. To clear up doubts, nothing better than a Whois tool. It provides the technical information and the registration data of the holders of a registered domain , that is, who is behind it. To consult it you can resort to multiple websites, this is one of them. Write the domain name and you will know it.

Another of the characteristics of the websites destined to rip you off is that they have a terrible translation , made with any automatic program. For that reason it is always very convenient that you stop to read calmly. If what you see sounds strange to you, it is convenient to look elsewhere.

The rush, the worst enemy

In our society, everything happens very quickly, and that condition is exploited by scammers to force you to buy. “Last units”, “Sold out” and similar phrases are intended to capture your attention so that you close the purchase soon. But it is not the same that one of these sentences appears on a website like Amazon’s, which is totally safe, as it comes from an unknown website.




Therefore, when buying we must never let ourselves be carried away by speed. This rush is also coupled with an unrivaled price , so they combine to form the perfect alliance. They are the ones in a hurry to sell, not you to buy anything.

Some of the most common scams come via email and telephone, via SMS. Phishing is an old acquaintance that will only use a bait to bite you. They mimic the website of a recognized store, but what they sell does not exist. The result can be disastrous, from infecting your computer to illegally obtaining your purchasing card details. In the event that something suspicious arrives in the email, it is best to inform the SAT of the original website and ask if the promotion that has just arrived is valid.

Speaking of emails, take a look at the domain from which they are sent. If it is not the one from that site in question, a recognized online store, and it is another with a strange extension , you know that you have an attempted scam before your eyes.

A good way to minimize the risks of scam when buying online is to use a prepaid virtual card that you will load with the balance corresponding to that purchase before finalizing it. Thus, if the scammers have access to it, they could only take the money that you have preloaded. Or, you can use payment platforms such as PayPal or Payoneer, which in case of inconvenience usually respond by returning the purchase amount. The debit and credit card insurance also covers this type of incident, upon presentation of the pertinent complaint.

I have been scammed, what do I do?

After the logical regrets, you always have to file a complaint with the security forces. To do this, provide all the documentation you have, receipts, emails, screenshots or communications. And you can also help others to prevent them from falling. Social networks are good allies, for this, publish that there is a website that is dedicated to scamming, it is not necessary to announce that you were the scammer. This will prevent other people from falling into that trap.

Justice, although slow, ends up acting. For the same reason, if the scammers end up regretting it and return your money, never withdraw the complaint. A professional band never regrets, but an individual who has made a fraudulent sale through any sales platform, especially if the communication is maintained and you inform them that it is already denounced. This will prevent them from doing it again and serving a penalty.

Despite the pitfalls that populate the internet, making your purchase safe only depends on a little common sense and not being in a hurry to finalize a purchase. In this way, surely your experience is always much more positive.

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