Tech UPTechnologyHow to connect Apple Keyboard to Mac quickly

How to connect Apple Keyboard to Mac quickly

With a much more renewed design, which was officially updated a few years ago, it is true that, every time we buy a desktop Mac, in the box we find a practical Apple Keyboard , a keyboard that, since 2009, Apple includes from the factory in its wireless version (that is, without cables).

Whether you have one or are planning to buy a new one, you may already know that the keyboard layout developed by Apple is slightly different from Windows computer keyboards.

In fact, we found a series of different characteristics to common keyboards that work with Windows, such as the popular Command key (Command), which would be similar to the traditional Windows key that we find in keyboards designed for this operating system.

Although its use is quite simple and simple, it is necessary to follow a series of basic steps to configure it when we buy it and we are going to use it for the first time with our Mac. We explain how to do it.

How to connect the Apple Magic Keyboard wireless keyboard to your Mac

When we configure our Magic Keyboard for the first time on the Mac, it is necessary to proceed to pair it through Bluetooth connectivity, although at first it is necessary to do it with the help of the included Lightning cable.

To do this, we must slide the switch that we will find located on the back of the keyboard, in order to turn it on. We know that we are on the appropriate side when a green background appears on the inside when sliding it.

Now we must take the Lightning cable that comes included with the keyboard to connect the Lightning end to the Magic Keyboard, and the USB end to the Mac. Done! If all goes well, we really shouldn’t do anything else, since the operating system will automatically detect that the keyboard is connected, so we can start using it immediately.

Since this is the first time we are going to use it, it is recommended to fully charge it with the help of the cable , keeping it connected to the Mac while we continue using it.

Then, once it is fully charged, the keyboard will be paired for use through Bluetooth connectivity (that is, without cables), so that it will connect automatically from the moment we slide the switch to turn it on.

Of course, in case you have already loaded it in advance, you can disconnect the cable from the moment you pair it for the first time.

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