Tech UPTechnologyHow to connect the modem to the router

How to connect the modem to the router

Using a router can become an excellent option when it comes to expanding the Internet connection in our home. And it can be very useful when not only expanding the ports with which to connect different devices and devices (such as a computer or television), but also if we opt for a wireless router We will also have Wi-Fi connectivity.

It is, as you might imagine, a very interesting option, especially when, for example, we have a fairly large house, or different floors, and we want to expand the broadband or fiber connection through cable.

Thus, if we have, for example, a main modem installed on the ground floor, we can take an Ethernet cable from this to the wireless router (which, for example, we have located on the upper floor), and in this way We will have practically the same connection as on the lower floor, with the difference that, in addition, we will have a wireless connection and many more LAN ports to connect our devices.

But how can we connect the modem to the router ? We explain everything you need to know, step by step.

Connecting our modem to the router

The truth is that it is a simpler process than you might possibly think at first. And to do this we obviously need a modem and a router , as well as an Ethernet cable , which will be the one we use to connect the router to the modem.

The process is as simple as connecting one end of the Ethernet cable to the modem and the other end to some of the ports on the router (usually it is best to do it on port number 1).

Now we plug in the router to the electrical current and, after between 2 to 3 minutes, the lights of the router will begin to illuminate, which will indicate that the router has been connected correctly.

Once this is done, we turn off our computer (in case we have it turned on), and once it is turned off we connect an Ethernet cable to it. To finish, we connect the other end of the cable to one of the free ports of the router.

Finally, we turn on the computer. Almost immediately the computer will automatically detect that we are connected to the Internet.

Of course, keep in mind that this option is not valid when you use a modem or router from an operator such as Movistar or Vodafone, in which case it would be necessary to follow other steps that we will explain in detail shortly.

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