Tech UPTechnologyHow to delete apps on iPhone 12

How to delete apps on iPhone 12

Since the long-awaited iPhone 12 hit the market a few months ago, it is common that some users have not yet ventured to buy it. Or, well, that they have it in their hands and that, over time, they have some doubts about the operation of the new iOS 14 .

One of the common questions that may arise is how to delete apps on the iPhone 12 , which can arise when we update iOS to the latest version. Luckily, it’s actually still as simple as ever. And what’s even better: we can remove apps in three different ways .

Removing apps on iPhone 12 easily

It is possibly one of the easiest and simplest ways, as well as being one of the most common: doing it quickly from the home screen .

To do this, it is necessary to look for the icon of that application that we want to eliminate, and we must do it from the home screen of our iPhone 12.

Once we have found it, we must press and hold the application icon until a pop-up menu appears. When it appears, click on Delete app .

Now, a new window will appear where the system will ask us if we want to delete the application completely to free up space, or we just want to move it to the Applications Library (with the intention of cleaning and emptying our home screen). We simply have to choose the option that interests us the most.

Deleting apps on iPhone 12 from the App Store

The home screen is not the only place where we can delete apps on the iPhone 12. Some applications can also be removed from the official Apple App Store.

To do so, we must access the App Store , and then click on our photo , which we will find located in the upper right part of the screen. We scroll down to Available Updates .

Right in this section, those apps that we can delete directly from this option will appear. To do so, we just have to slide our finger from right to left, which will reveal the Delete button. Finally, we press Delete , and the app will disappear.

Deleting apps on iPhone 12 from Settings

We now find a less known option, but which is also useful when it comes to deleting applications on our iPhone. We just have to click on the Settings icon, which we will find on the home screen, then on General and, finally, on iPhone Storage .

This section will show both the applications that we have installed on the device and the storage space they use. To delete them, click on Delete app , and finally we confirm again by pressing the Delete app again .

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