Tech UPTechnologyHow to prevent photos and videos from filling up...

How to prevent photos and videos from filling up your mobile memory

Do you often get the message ” your internal storage space is running low “? It is likely that we have to “blame” this on the videos and photos that come to us through WhatsApp, the world’s most popular instant messaging platform.

Due to a number of characteristics such as: its growing popularity, its wide user base, its large number of constantly expanding functions and its easy-to-use platform, WhatsApp is being used by people of all age groups, both young and old. greater. But there is a problem with all this, the flood of messages that this simplicity of massive use allows, leaves our phones without precious memory space. And no, it is not the text messages that consume the memory of our smartphone, but the multimedia files: videos, GIFs and photographs in general, are the ones that take up space.

We all know that being in a WhatsApp group is fun, especially if it is an active group, who usually participate with their jokes and Internet memes so that we all have a good time. But of course, the exchange of memes, GIFs and other means in a WhatsApp group, or even an individual chat, begins to hog a substantial amount of phone memory. Fortunately, WhatsApp noticed this problem and offered us a solution.

The function that takes care of our mobile memory

What you have to do is prevent the application from saving the multimedia content in the mobile gallery. You have to disable the automatic download settings for images and videos, and that is clear, but what many do not know is how to prevent these images and videos from reaching the memory of the phone and filling it unnecessarily. Here’s how:


In Android

  • Open WhatsApp on your Android phone
  • Go to Settings by clicking on the three-dot menu on Android
  • Click on Settings
  • Enter Data and storage
  • Press Download with mobile data and uncheck all options
  • Hit OK
  • Repeat the same process in the option Download with Wi-Fi
  • Hit OK

You will prevent WhatsApp from automatically saving photos and videos in the precious storage of your phone both with 4G / 5G connection and with Wi-Fi.


And Apple

The process is similar:

  • Go to Settings → Data and Storage → Automatic File Download
  • Select Photos and videos and press the “Never” option.


I have done well?

If you have done all the steps correctly, when a file is sent to you, it will appear blurred with an arrow in the center. They will no longer be saved by themselves; no pictures or videos. You can export the photo to the gallery of your mobile or another third-party application. Yes indeed. We can’t do anything with the audio messages; These will be automatically saved in the storage of our mobile and there is no option to deactivate it.

It is important that we do not run out of space on our mobile. Storage space is crucial, particularly since our phones are not just the devices we use to answer calls or chats, but also because they serve a larger purpose. We download work files and reply to emails, edit our images, make presentations and sometimes even write complete documents on our phones, so it is important that we have enough memory available for all of this.


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