Tech UPTechnologyHow to protect the WiFi network effectively and safely

How to protect the WiFi network effectively and safely

WiFi connectivity is a type of wireless technology that uses a series of radio waves to transmit data. If we compare it with older Ethernet connections, this type of connectivity has become a new dimension for Internet access.

In fact, one of its main advantages is related to the possibilities it offers, since it allows us to connect to the Internet from any computer (desktop or laptop), or any compatible device, without having to use cables.

In addition, we must also mention another clearly positive aspect: its ease of installation , so that we only need a WiFi router or a wireless connection device to start using it without too many complications.

However, there are also a series of added disadvantages that we should never forget. One of the most common is related to the problems associated with coverage and the signal itself , which can mean that we do not have a signal throughout the home or office.

A useful option when it comes to solving it is to opt for a WiFi router with a higher signal, or to use a WiFi repeater , installing it in those areas where the coverage is not as good as we would really like.

But there is a problem, and also very important: having, at home or in the office, a WiFi router can give Internet access to people who are actually unwanted, something very common when access is open, not having the protection and security necessary to avoid this type of unwanted access.

This can cause us serious inconvenience. As, for example, that unauthorized person accesses web pages of doubtful legality from our router, or that they make intensive use of the connection to the point of seeing their speed significantly reduced.

Luckily, securing our WiFi router , and thus protecting our home network, is easier than you think. We explain the steps you must follow to be able to do it easily.

Setting a password

There is no doubt that the best way to protect unauthorized access to the Internet from our WiFi router is through the establishment of a password , in such a way that only those who have it will be able to connect to the network through the device.

In the event that we have contracted the Internet through an operator, and a technician has installed the modem-router (ADSL or fiber), it is most likely a device with wireless connectivity. And that, of course, the connection has been password protected.

In most cases, the most common thing is to find that access password on a label located just below the router , where the operator will also offer us information about the name of the connection and the access data to its configuration panel. .

But if we have chosen to add a second router with WiFi connectivity, for example, to extend the connectivity of the main router, then it is necessary to establish a new password .

To do this, we must access the configuration panel of the router that we want to modify, accessing it through the IP address of the device, through the Web browser. Now, we simply have to search, through the router menus, for the option that offers us the possibility of adding a new password.

The most advisable? Choose a password that is as strong and secure as possible , so it is highly recommended that it include uppercase, lowercase, special characters, and numbers. For this reason, it is advisable to write it down in a safe place.

Changing the password regularly

It is an excellent idea to change the password of our WiFi router regularly . Although this can be a headache when you have to reconfigure and reconnect all devices, it becomes the best option when it comes to avoiding unwanted visitors that may be lurking.

Therefore, it is recommended to access the configuration from time to time and change the access password.

Keeping the firmware up to date

The router runs software, known by the name of firmware , which is essentially in charge of controlling everything the device does, establishing security standards for the network, defining rules about which devices can or cannot connect, etc. 

Many modern routers tend to update in the background , something that happens routinely with most of the default devices installed by carriers.

However, it is always advisable to make sure that the firmware is actually up to date with the latest version , as this means that it will have the latest security patches and possible bug fixes.

To check this, we just have to access the router’s configuration panel, and verify this information in the corresponding section.

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