Tech UPTechnologyHow to use the new Apple widgets on your...

How to use the new Apple widgets on your iPhone

There is no doubt that, with the arrival of iOS 14 , considered one of the largest updates to the iPhone operating system for some years now, new features and options have reached the hands of users, in addition to a series of greatly added improvements. useful and interesting.

In fact, as we have already mentioned at some point or other, the new version of Apple’s operating system for iPhone incorporates some improvements such as image in image , the launch of an application library or, what many users had requested, the possibility not only to change the default browser, but also the default mail client.

However, one of the main developments that attracted the attention of most owners of a compatible iPhone is the launch of widgets .

As you surely know, widgets are miniature blocks that are added to the iPhone’s home screen and that offer us the possibility of further customizing this section of the device, which until now had only been limited to displaying application icons and a wallpaper.

Although, since then, Apple has provided a very interesting selection of native widgets, through its different apps (such as Calendar or Notes), it is evident that a whole world of possibilities opens up for third-party application developers.

How to Add Apple Widgets in iOS 14

Many applications of the operating system are already compatible with the new iOS 14 widgets, so it is only necessary to know how to add them to our home screen .

To start the process, it is necessary to put our home screen in the so-called jiggle mode , which allows you to edit the different elements that are displayed on it, such as icons and, now, the new widgets.

To achieve this, we must long press an empty space on the screen or an icon , until the design of it changes slightly. Then, click on the ‘+’ button that you will find located in the upper left part of the screen.

Now we will find a section where a list of native widgets created by Apple itself will be displayed, such as photos, music, notes or information about the weather. Once we have found the widget that interests us the most, we simply have to choose the format and design that we like the most , and click on the Add widget button. Now we just have to place it where we want.

For the changes to be saved, you just need to click OK , located in the upper right, and the chosen widget will be installed in the corresponding place.

How to remove a widget added to the home screen

In case you don’t like the home screen after adding the widget, or you just want to replace it with another, you can easily remove the widget. This obviously will not erase the widget from the operating system, it will just disappear from the home screen.

To do this, you simply have to press and hold the widget until a pop-up context menu appears and, finally, click on the Delete widget button.

How to modify a widget

Of course, in case you simply want to modify it, you will have to press the corresponding button. To do this, you must touch the Edit widget option, although it is true that, in most cases, this option will not offer many possibilities.

For example, in the Calendar widget the only option available is Duplicate the Calendar app , which we can enable or disable. Therefore, if you want to change its design again, we recommend you delete it and add it again, this time choosing the format that interests you the most.

As we can see, at the moment most of the widgets that we can use are the native ones (that is, those created by Apple itself for its different applications). However, it is foreseeable that, as time progresses, it is very possible that we can start using third-party widgets to access quick information through these miniature blocks.

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