NewsHow traffic in Germany should be made safer

How traffic in Germany should be made safer

The federal cabinet decides on a new road safety program – one day before World Bicycle Day. Bicycle traffic in particular is increasing, but with it there are also dangers. What the program is about.

Berlin (dpa) – Road traffic in Germany should become significantly safer this decade. By 2030, the number of road deaths is to fall by 40 percent, at the same time there should be fewer seriously injured people in accidents.

The federal government reaffirmed this goal in its road safety program 2021 to 2030, which the cabinet decided on Wednesday. One of the main concerns is the safety of cyclists and the elderly.

The long-term goal is “Vision Zero”: no deaths in traffic. “In our new road safety program, we are stipulating further measures to get a little closer to” Vision Zero “,” said Federal Transport Minister Andreas Scheuer (CSU). Almost every fatal accident was avoidable.

But there is still a long way to go to significantly increase security. Julia Fohmann, spokeswoman for the German Road Safety Council, said that in order to sustainably reduce the number of fatalities and seriously injured people, more effort and, in particular, political will are needed to implement “Vision Zero” with concrete measures. “Germany must and can get even better here.”

In the past few decades, the number of road deaths in Germany has fallen significantly. According to the Federal Statistical Office, 2719 people died in road traffic in 2020, 10.7 percent fewer than in the previous year. However, the accident situation was heavily influenced by the decline in traffic as a result of the corona pandemic.

Looking at developments in recent years, the new road safety program states that not all road users have participated equally in the positive accident trend: “For example, the number of seriously injured people is stagnating, as is the number of accidents among pedestrians and motorcyclists.” Road traffic killed cyclists and the elderly. “This negative trend needs to be stopped.” In the program, many different measures are named, some of which are already on the way.

In the opinion of the Ministry of Transport, the unbundling of traffic plays a decisive role in cycling. The federal government therefore wants to push ahead with the construction of safe bike paths. One example is the special financial aid program “City and Country” with federal funds of 660 million euros for investments in cycle paths, cycle bridges and underpasses. The aim is also better protection against accidents with trucks, this is what technical systems in the vehicles, so-called turning assistants, should serve.

There are more and more cyclists on the road, especially in big cities, and there should be more to protect the climate. For example, on World Bicycle Day this Thursday, the environmental association BUND is in favor of doubling bicycle traffic in the city by 2030. Problems are, however, clogged streets or parked bike and footpaths. That’s why there should be fewer cars. The road traffic regulations should no longer give priority to the car.

“Our transport system must take greater account of the needs of unprotected road users such as cyclists and pedestrians”. says spokeswoman Fohmann from the German Road Safety Council. “That means above all that the street space has to be divided up and planned differently.” This means that sufficient space can be provided for pedestrians and cyclists, especially in the new building.

Siegfried Brockmann, Head of Accident Research at the insurer, spoke of the best road safety program to date because it goes very deep. “If it is implemented, it will be a great achievement. Above all, a joint process by the federal, state and local governments is important. “

Targeted measures would have to be taken to increase road safety. Brockmann mentioned more separate traffic light circuits for drivers and cyclists. “It all takes far too long.” There should be more safe road crossings for pedestrians, i.e. pedestrian traffic lights, zebra crossings or central islands. The Ministry of Transport is currently developing a “pedestrian strategy” to improve the safety of pedestrians.

An important measure could be Tempo 30 in urban areas so that there are fewer accidents with increased speed, said Brockmann. “The designation of Tempo 30 areas could be made much easier for municipalities by a change in the road traffic regulations.” And: There should be much stricter fines: “The fines in Germany are low in international comparison.” In addition, dangerous violations with more points be punished in Flensburg.

Another focus of road safety is rural roads “As before, almost 60 percent of all fatalities in road traffic are victims of rural road accidents,” said ADAC traffic president Gerhard Hillebrand. In order to reduce the number of accidents and traffic fatalities on country roads, both the accident risk and the severity of the accident would have to be reduced for all user groups – for example by means of barrier-free side rooms or side planks.

The new road safety program also speaks of a cultural change in road traffic – in other words: above all, more consideration for other road users and compliance with rules. But will that succeed?

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210602-99-836870 / 3

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