Although Queen Elizabeth II has spoken out in favor of Duchess Camilla as the preferred candidate alongside her successor, Prince Charles, experts foresee difficulties for her.
Windsor – Despite the support of the Queen (95), who expressly wished to see her eldest son’s wife as Queen Consort (dt. King’s wife) at his side, the Duchess of Cornwall (74) expect great difficulties. If Prince Charles (73) is crowned as his mother’s successor, Camilla must prepare for problems, according to a constitutional expert.*
If Charles becomes king, Duchess Camilla will have to dress warmly
In her throne speech, Queen Elizabeth II* surprisingly announced that she wanted her daughter-in-law to be Queen Consort alongside the Prince of Wales* if Charles succeeded her as ruler. Her Majesty’s message in the year of her platinum anniversary* underlined the importance of Duchess Camilla* for the royal family and at the same time cleared up years of speculation.

Due to the breakdown of the marriage of Prince Charles* and Princess Diana* (36, † 1997), Camilla received a lot of hostility. Diana’s tragic death did not bode well for the marriage Charles entered into with his previous affair in 2005. Although there is now clarity about Camilla’s future title, Professor Vernon Bogdanor (78) of King’s College London in the “Express” foresees difficulties at Charles’ coronation ceremony.
If Charles becomes king, Duchess Camilla’s fate will depend on public opinion
It is not regulated by law whether Camilla should be crowned alongside the future monarch, he explains. He reports on the case of Georges IV (67, † 1830) who wanted to get rid of his wife Queen Caroline of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (52, † 1821) and literally excluded her from the coronation ceremony by locking the door of Westminster Abbey. If Camilla isn’t crowned with Charles, it would look like she’s not up to the task.

The Church’s rules on divorce are now more liberal. He doesn’t see problems in previous marriages, but in public opinion as to whether Camilla should be crowned Queen of Britain.
Opinions about Camilla are currently divided *. One of the many surveys that took place among the readers of the “Daily Mirror” revealed that only 33 percent wanted them to be crowned alongside Charles, while 67 percent opposed them.* is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA
List of rubrics: © Eddie Mulholland/dpa