News"I'll never understand that": pop star Florian Silbereisen teases...

"I'll never understand that": pop star Florian Silbereisen teases ex Helene Fischer

Created: 07/25/2022, 12:07 p.m

At “Schlagercomeback.2022” Helene Fischer gives a glimpse into her private life. The Schlagerqueen always lives a very healthy life, does a lot of sport, but also likes to snack every now and then. In addition to singing, sport is her passion – ex-boyfriend Florian Silbereisen just doesn’t want to understand that.

Helene Fischer singt auf der Bühne vom „Schlagercomeback.2022“
1 / 14 months fans have been waiting for this moment. In Florian Silbereisen’s “Schlagercomeback.2022” Helene Fischer is back on stage for the first time. The Schlagerqueen is welcomed to the show with a countdown. Together, Florian Silbereisen and the audience count down the last ten seconds until Helene Fischer is on stage. © The First/The Big Hit Comeback.2022
Florian Silbereisen, Lucy Diakovska und Marcella Rockefeller
2 / 14 The countdown is on. In a few seconds, Helene Fischer is back on stage for the first time after her baby break. Florian Silbereisen has apparently been looking forward to this moment for a long time. “I am and will remain her fan,” announces Florian Silbereisen and welcomes his ex-girlfriend Helene Fischer to his “Schlagercomeback.2022” stage. © The First/The Big Hit Comeback.2022
Helene Fischer steht auf der Bühne und lässt sich feiern
3 / 14 Helene Fischer is greeted by her fans with a big round of applause at the big “Schlagercomeback.2022”. Their hit song “Atemlos” plays in the background while sparks fly on stage. Helene Fischer briefly enjoys her well-deserved applause and then presents her new hit “Blitz”. © The First/The Big Hit Comeback.2022
Das Publikum beim „Schlagercomeback.2022“
4 / 14 After Helene Fischer’s appearance on “Schlagercomeback.2022”, the audience rages. The applause never ends and fans hold signs in the air to get the Schlagerqueen’s attention. A fan asks for an air kiss from the singer and would give her a capri sun in return. © The First/The Big Hit Comeback.2022
Helene Fischer und Florian Silbereisen beim „Schlagercomeback.2022“
5 / 14 Anyone who wants to see a full-length concert by Helene Fischer can do so from August 20th. Because the Schlagerqueen can look forward to two great events. On August 20, Helene Fischer gives her biggest concert ever. The singer is already preparing for her tour next year. At the news, the audience goes wild again. © The First/The Big Hit Comeback.2022
Florian Silbereisen liest Helene Fischer Fan-Fragen vor
6 / 14 Even if Florian Silbereisen could chat with Helene Fischer all evening, he would first like to read her a few fan questions: “Helene, you’re super healthy. Is there a day when you really hit it?” A fan of Schlagerqueen wants to know. “Definitely!” Reveals Helene Fischer. On some days she would put everything healthy aside and snack on it. That makes the pop singer even more likeable than she already is. © The First/The Big Hit Comeback.2022
Florian Silbereisen und Helene Fischer lachen
7 / 14 Although she reaches into her candy box from time to time, Helene Fischer keeps fit with sport. Besides singing, sport is one of her passions. “I’ll never understand that,” laughs Florian Silbereisen, who obviously can’t get as excited about sporting activities as his ex-girlfriend. © The First/The Big Hit Comeback.2022
Die Halle in Leipzig, in der das große „Schlagercomeback.2022“ aufgezeichnet wird
8 / 14 Enough chatter, says Florian Silbereisen. After all, the audience came especially to hear Helene Fischer sing. So it’s back on stage for the Schlagerqueen to perform her next hit. © The First/The Big Hit Comeback.2022
Helene Fischer singt
9 / 14 time for her next hit! After a short conversation with Florian Silbereisen, Helene Fischer performs her hit “Love is a Dance” and not only inspires with her voice, but also with her entire performance. © The First/The Big Hit Comeback.2022
Helene Fischer wischt sich Schweiß von der Stirn
10 / 14 Florian Silbereisen shows his caring side again. After her performance, he brings Helene Fischer everything she could need. water and tissues. She gratefully accepts and wipes the sweat from her forehead. © The First/The Big Hit Comeback.2022
Helene Fischer steht auf der Bühne und singt
11 / 14 If Helene Fischer attracts everyone’s attention with her detailed and tight stage outfits, she likes it to be more casual in her private life. She reveals this to her ex Florian Silbereisen at “Schlagercomeback.2022”. It wouldn’t be very practical to walk around in a sequined jumpsuit all the time, either. © The First/The Big Hit Comeback.2022
Helene Fischer blickt nach oben und lächelt
12 / 14 For her new album, Helene Fischer recorded very emotional songs for the first time. This also includes “Balloon”, which she dedicates to a very special person. The pop singer does not want to reveal who exactly it is. She hopes many people can relate to the emotional lines. “I’m sure this person will watch from above,” says Florian Silbereisen and encourages his ex-girlfriend. © The first / the big hit comeback
Helene Fischer singt ihre größten Hits
13 / 14 After such a sentimental moment, Helene Fischer creates a good mood in the Leipzig hall with her age-old hit “I always want to feel this fever again”. The audience also sings along diligently. © The First/The Big Hit Comeback.2022
Florian Silbereisen steht beim Publikum und singt zu Helene Fischers Hit
14 / 14 During Helene Fischer’s performance, Florian Silbereisen dives into the audience and sings along. He also knows every line of her hit “I want to feel this fever again and again” by heart. © The First/The Big Hit Comeback.2022

Leipzig – With Florian Silbereisen’s “Schlagercomeback.2022” Helene Fischer appears for the first time after her pregnancy. The fans are also very happy to see the Schlagerqueen back on stage. In addition to the songs on her new album, Helene Fischer naturally also sings her biggest hits. Her ex Florian Silbereisen also knows the lyrics inside and out.

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