NewsIncidence still over 80 - only one region officially...

Incidence still over 80 – only one region officially "Corona-free"

The incidence in Germany has risen again. The number of corona cases on Monday is significantly lower. But that is deceptive.

Berlin – According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) on Monday morning, the 7-day incidence is 84.3 (previous day: 83.1; previous week: 75.8). 4,749 new corona infections were recorded within 24 hours. This can be seen from the data on the RKI’s Covid dashboard. On Monday a week ago there were 190 positive corona tests fewer, namely 4,559.

Compared to Sunday – 10,453 more new corona infections – this number of corona cases is significantly lower. But experience has shown that the number of cases always goes down after the weekend. A look at the value on Monday a week ago gives more insight into whether a trend is emerging. And a week ago there were 190 fewer positive corona tests, namely 4,559.

The number of deaths since the beginning of the corona pandemic has risen to 92,354 in Germany. 8 people died in the past 24 hours with or from a Sars-CoV-2 infection.

Corona in Germany – A region still officially “Corona-free”

According to the RKI, only the Eisenach district is currently “Corona-free”. No corona cases have been reported there for more than seven days.

In contrast, five urban districts tear the 200 incidence. Leverkusen (244.7), Wuppertal (220.8), Offenbach (22.8), Bremerhaven (216.6) and Rosenheim (206.0).

Corona in Germany – The RKI case numbers at a glance

Since the beginning of the pandemic, 4,010,390 have been proven to have been infected with Corona in Germany.
92,354 deaths have been recorded so far
The RKI states the number of those who have recovered at 3,775,500.
There are currently around 142,600 active corona cases in Germany

Corona hospitalization incidence

The corona hospitalization incidence is considered a new parameter in the assessment of the corona situation in Germany. The value stands for the number of corona patients admitted to clinics per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days. Is the value really meaningful? The value reflects the infection situation with a delay. An average of about ten days elapse between an infection and hospitalization. There are also regional differences. Therefore no limit value is provided. Most recently, the RKI had given the hospitalization incidence on Friday at 1.83. The previous high was around 15.5 around Christmas time.

Number of Covid intensive care patients – thousands more than last year

There is a lot going on in the intensive care units. 1,275 Covid-19 patients currently require intensive care, of which 631 are artificially ventilated. This can be seen from the data in the DIVI intensive care register (as of September 6, 6:19 a.m.). The day before there were a total of 1,251 Covid patients. A year ago there were only 216 Covid intensive care patients (on September 6, 2020) in the hospital.

Survey: majority in favor of stricter corona rules for unvaccinated people

According to a survey, the majority of possible stricter corona restrictions for unvaccinated people than for vaccinated people, for example with access to indoor events, meet with approval. In the survey by the polling institute YouGov, 58 percent were in favor of stricter rules for unvaccinated people – 28 percent, on the other hand, consider the same rules as those for vaccinated and convalescents to be correct. Another 9 percent of those surveyed said they rejected all measures to combat the corona pandemic.

With a view to autumn and winter, the so-called 3G rule applies nationwide for certain indoor spaces such as events and restaurants: access only with proof of vaccination, recovery or negative test. The 2G rule, which has already been applied in some cases, is also under discussion, i.e. access only for those who have been vaccinated or recovered.

According to the survey, approval of this increases with age. According to this, 71 percent of those surveyed from the age of 60 are in favor of stricter rules for unvaccinated people – for 18 to 29 year olds the figure is 36 percent. Even more people among the elderly have already been vaccinated. The same rules for vaccinated, convalescent and unvaccinated people meet with the highest agreement among younger people up to 29 years of age (49 percent). Less than 20 percent are in favor of this among older people aged 60 and over.

According to the survey, there are also regional differences: Stricter rules for unvaccinated people support 60 percent of those surveyed in western Germany and 49 percent in the east. When it comes to vaccination rates, most of the eastern German states lag behind in a national comparison. According to the information, 2022 people aged 18 and over were interviewed for the survey between August 27 and 31. (dpa / ml) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

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