NewsJapan wants to stimulate the alcohol industry with younger...

Japan wants to stimulate the alcohol industry with younger people

Created: 8/19/2022 7:51 am

Many younger people in Japan do not drink alcohol. © Eugene Hoshiko/AP/dpa

With the Sake Viva! competition, Japan’s tax authorities want to encourage young people to develop ideas for the spirits industry. It should probably not be about more consumption. Nevertheless, there is criticism.

Tokyo – Japan’s tax authority wants to boost the country’s alcohol industry with the help of young adults – and is met with criticism. Launched in July and running until early September, a competition called Sake Viva! is inviting young adults aged 20 to 39 to submit ideas for business plans to “revitalize” the spirits industry. However, it is “in no way” about encouraging younger people to drink, a spokesman said on Friday when asked.

“We do not intend the competition to encourage young people to drink alcohol.” There had been criticism on social media that the state apparently wanted to prevent fewer and fewer younger Japanese people from drinking alcohol.

Less tax revenue due to falling alcohol sales

“The domestic alcoholic beverages market is shrinking due to demographic changes such as declining birth rate and aging population, as well as lifestyle changes due to the impact of the coronavirus infections,” the competition website said. This now aims to “address the younger generation” and “revive” the industry. The declining alcohol sales mean that in the heavily indebted number three of the world economy, the corresponding tax revenues are also falling.

In the course of the pandemic, Japan had shortened the opening hours for pubs and restaurants, among other things, and asked the operators not to serve alcohol. While many drank at home instead, few younger adults appeared to be. Although Japan lowered the legal age to 18 in April, alcohol and cigarettes are still only legal at 20. According to surveys, about half of Japanese people in their 20s and 30s do not drink alcohol, said the spokesman for the tax authority.

criticism online

The idea competition aimed at this age group by his authority to boost the alcohol industry was met with incomprehension by some on the Internet. “Are you kidding me?” wrote one Twitter user. “Staying away from alcohol is a good thing!”. The spokesman emphasized that the competition is about promoting the industry in order to ensure growth. It is “in no way” about encouraging people to “drink excessively”. Brochures call for “not too much” to drink.

Despite declining sales figures, the Japanese government had described excessive alcohol consumption as a serious social problem in the past. dpa

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