NewsJoe Biden breaks his right foot playing with his...

Joe Biden breaks his right foot playing with his dog as his victory in Arizona is confirmed | USA

The president-elect, Joe Biden, has already had his first medical mishap less than a month after winning the elections on November 3. The leader of the Democratic Party has broken a foot, specifically his right, while playing with his dog, as his team has confirmed, citing a doctor’s diagnosis. The leader’s injury occurred to an ankle, which has been cracked. This could result in you being sworn into office in a splint. 78-year-old Joe Biden, who will be the oldest president to serve, injured his foot when he slipped while playing with one of the two German Shepherds. that he owns, named Major. At first, his personal physician, Kevin O’Connor, explained that on a first examination it appeared “a sprain of the right foot, with no apparent fracture.” But after subsequent examinations with a scanner, “cracks in the middle of the foot” were confirmed. For this reason, it was confirmed that Biden “will probably have to wear an orthopedic boot for several weeks.” Biden will bring his two dogs, two German Shepherds, to the White House: the aforementioned Major, who was adopted in 2018 from a shelter, and Champ, who has been with the family since 2008. This injury has come just over a week before the end of the legal deadline to officially determine who will be the new president of the United States, a date that will arrive on December 8 . It will be then when the different states must finish sending the certified results to Congress. This same Tuesday it was known that the state of Arizona, one of the most contested in these elections, has also declared Joe Biden the winner. It is another of the territories whose political color has changed in these elections.Voters have punished Donald Trump for his continuous criticism of former Republican candidate and war hero John McCain, a native of this land, and have given victory to Joe Biden. Trump’s judicial path This Monday, the main and mediatic lawyer Trump’s president, Rudy Giuliani, again called on Arizona Republican state congressmen to annul the election results for an alleged fraud in the vote-by-mail. “It is probably a wrong tactic, but we are near the end”, Giuliani has come to grant, yes. It must be remembered that, yes, the Republicans are in a position to maintain their significant majority in the Senate, from where they could condition the policy carried out by the Biden Administration. To do this, they need to shore up the victory in a second round of elections to be held in Georgia next January. Trump, for his part, still does not grant Biden’s electoral victory, even though he did give the green light to the transition works. , which is what is truly important from a pragmatic point of view. The still president in office has stressed that “they will not make me change my mind, my opinion will not change in six months”, during an interview with Fox News. “This election was rigged, this election was a total fraud, we will win the election easily.” Yet the judges have been giving him setbacks on the biggest appeals. The last one, in the state of Pennsylvania, where the Supreme Court dismissed a lawsuit that sought to challenge Biden’s victory in this territory. Trump charged the judges: “We are trying to present the evidence and the judges will not allow us to do so.”In this way, he answered the question about the absence of evidence provided by his legal team in the different lawsuits to challenge the electoral results. “We must be heard by the Supreme Court, something must be able to get there. Otherwise, what is the Supreme Court? “Trump said. Appointments confirmed in Biden’s team This Monday, the names of the economic team that Biden has formed, with Janet Yellen at the helm, have also been confirmed. This is the former president of the Federal Reserve, and will be, if finally confirmed by the Senate – everything indicates that there will be no problems – the first woman to lead the Treasury in its 231-year history. She had also been the first woman in the Fed. Neera Tanden has also been confirmed this Monday as head of the Office of Administration and Budget, and Wally Adeyemo as undersecretary of the Treasury. Biden has also confirmed his new communications team, which stands out for be made up entirely of women. Jen Psaki will be the White House press secretary. She had already been the director of communications during the Barack Obama era, when Biden was vice president. Now, this position will go to Kate Begdinfield, who had already worked with Biden himself when he was vice president.

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