NewsJoe Biden calls Netanyahu to convey his full support...

Joe Biden calls Netanyahu to convey his full support for Israel: "They have the right to defend themselves"

The President of the United States, Joe Biden, on Wednesday conveyed to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu his “unwavering support” for Israel amid the current escalation of confrontations with Palestinian forces and stressed its “legitimate right” to defend itself. Through a statement, the White House has reported that Biden has had a telephone conversation with Netanyahu, to whom he has shown his rejection and condemns the latest attacks launched by the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), as well as “other terrorist groups” against Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. “Biden has conveyed his unwavering support for Israel’s security and its legitimate right to defend its people. It has also conveyed the encouragement of the United States to achieve the path towards the reestablishment of a sustainable calm, “because Jerusalem, a city of such importance for people of faith around the world, must be a place of peace,” it reads The President of the United States has also informed the Israeli Prime Minister of Washington’s “diplomatic commitment” with countries in the region, such as Egypt, Jordan and Qatar, as well as with representatives of the Palestinian people. both have agreed to “maintain close consultation” between their governments, including the “constant commitment” of their respective ministers of Foreign Affairs, Defense, National Security advisers and senior military commanders, to “keep in touch in the coming days.”For his part, Netanyahu thanked Biden for “supporting” the “right of Israel to defend itself” and asserted that Israel will continue “to act to undermine the military capabilities of Hamas and other terrorist organizations operating in the Gaza Strip.” has detailed through Twitter the Israeli prime minister’s office, who said he was “proud” of the firm position of the Israeli forces “who continue to attack with all their might.” The US Secretary of State also showed his support on Wednesday to Netanyahu in a telephone conversation in which he stressed his “concern about the barrage of rocket attacks against Israel” and wanted to share “his condolences for the lives lost.” In this call, Blinken has asked all parties to share reduction of tensions and an end to violence The head of the State Department has also spoken with the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, in a call in which they addressed the violence in Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza, as detailed by the spokesman for the area, Ned Price. Blinken has thus expressed his condolences for the deaths and has condemned “the rocket attacks”, as well as emphasizing the need to stop the clashes On the other hand, the secretary of state has conveyed to Abbas his “best wishes” for the Eid al Fitr holiday, which marks the end of the month of Ramadan. In this context, he has assured, in another statement, that in this celebration, he honors “Muslims from around the world who gathered to pray and fast with their families, instead of with their larger communities.”“We also keep in our thoughts those who have experienced hardship and fled violence, along with those who have helped them on their journey, reminding all of us that we must continue to work locally and globally, not just to save lives, but to restore dignity and understanding for all people, especially during this extraordinary time of need. “On the other hand, the Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority, Mohamed Shtayé, has criticized this Wednesday that the Security Council of Nations The United States has not issued a statement condemning Israel for the escalation of violence in Gaza and Jerusalem, a statement that has again been blocked by the United States this Wednesday, according to the Israeli media ‘The Times of Israel’. The Security Council criticized both sides for the ongoing violence and evictions of Palestinians in the Sheikh Kharra neighborhood in East Jerusalem, as well as urging Israel to respect the ‘status quo’ in the holy places of the holy city. “The silence in the face of Israel’s crimes encourages him to continue attacking our people. Not condemning Israel at the UN gives it the green light to commit more crimes, “Shtayé lamented. On the other hand, Egypt’s Foreign Minister, Samé Shukri, has indicated in a telephone conversation with his Israeli counterpart, Gabi Ashkenazi, The need to cease attacks against the Palestinian territories and has stressed “the importance of work to save the peoples of the region from further escalation and the use of military force,” according to a statement from the Ministry. Egypt has stated that it seeks to stabilize the situation in the region through problem solving through diplomatic means.In this search, Egypt has spoken with the United States, as indicated by the White House spokeswoman, Jen Psaki, who has detailed that Washington has spoken with senior officials from Israel, the Palestinian Authority and “other interested parties”, including the Qataris, Tunisians, Jordanians and Egyptians, “who, as everyone knows, have an important role to play in the region.” “Our goal here is de-escalation while we seek to protect the people of the region,” he stressed.

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