EntertainmentCelebritiesJuan Manuel Restrepo, from 'Pez Koi' to 'Dragon' in...

Juan Manuel Restrepo, from 'Pez Koi' to 'Dragon' in "La reina del flow 2"

The actor returns to play Érick Cruz, a character who has evolved and has become a world reggaeton star. In this second season he will have to go through the typical ups and downs of fame.

Did you imagine playing Érick Cruz again in “La reina del flow 2”?

There was always a desire to continue playing the character, although before this I did not imagine it, but the series was gaining recognition at the national level and then in the international market, and when we finished the first season, we received the news that there would be a second. delivery. It was like saying we finished La reina del flow and instantly we heard the commercial that said soon La reina del flow 2, we were all surprised that a second part was coming. We were with the expectations of what was going to be told, how all the librettists were going to handle, because without a doubt they are the gods of Olympus, who give life to these characters from the creative side. Later one already has the opportunity to interpret them. I dare to put my hands in the fire to say that this season is going to be better than the first.

Was it prepared during the time between the end of the first and the beginning of the second season?

During the two and a half years that we did not record, there was a lot of expectation on our part. We were preparing for what was coming, not before, but they had already told us that the characters would have an evolution. I was training as an actor, because I had the opportunity to do another series called Los Briceño, which has not yet appeared on Caracol, but this gave me baggage to give Érick everything I have.

Did you have the opportunity to participate in the ‘look’ proposal and in the evolution from ‘Koi Fish’ to ‘Dragon’?

The cut was my proposal. In fact, I had sent a photo of a look that I had years ago and as soon as I finished recording Los Briceño, I passed the machine myself. So I proposed the short cut, which is something typical of Medellín and very urban; Afterwards, the makeup artists were in charge of giving it the touch of the lines and the eyebrows. Personally, I tried to gain weight and exercise more so that this character, who looks more mature, could look fit, since he is a reggaeton player.

We see an Érick Cruz with a more forged character, how has the internalization of these characteristics been?

The most difficult thing is to stay, to overcome what was done in the past, because we are always reinventing ourselves, restructuring, in search of improving ourselves to be able to give the characters humanity and that they really have criteria.

What has been the most difficult thing about playing this character in “La reina del flow”?

There were very difficult scenes, of which I am proud. The directors help a lot and they are scenes with action at the limit, which we will see later, such as accidents, emotional breakdowns and many things that require concentration to do them.

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What surprises will the character give throughout the story?

At first the librettists had told me that Pez Koi was going to become a bad character, an antagonist. It does not happen in this second season, but goes through many personal episodes, but without taking the title, Dragon becomes the epicenter of chaos. What happens to him generates a stir in the other characters, it becomes almost like a hurricane.

We have seen that since the first season you have sent a message of “no to drugs”, will you continue to send positive messages this season?

Since I met Érick I realized that he is a character full of many teachings, mainly because he is human, he is real. I see it and I can believe that it is someone who exists. Unfortunately or fortunately, many things happened to him at a very young age. I believe that at some point in our lives we have a misfortune or a blessing that puts that chip on us and tells us that we are going to change, be it short, middle or late age. In this case, he was 18 years old, he was aware that his father Manín, a drug trafficker, had illegal businesses and his nobility made him reconsider that this was not right. He decided to choose the path of dreams and self-motivation.

As for the music, how has the preparation been?

We have a work team and within that we have two music directors, who helped us strengthen the process. I really am very close to urban music, reggaeton, and I think you don’t have to try too hard to get carried away by the flow of the songs and the dembow. For my part, I am working on a musical proposal that I want to deliver to the people who follow me and they will see the result through my social networks.
