News“Just raising the mood”: Michael Wendler comments on the...

“Just raising the mood”: Michael Wendler comments on the arrest warrant

The district court of Dinslaken has issued an arrest warrant against Michael Wendler. The pop singer now comments on the allegations of the court on Telegram.

Dinslaken / NRW – For Michael Wendler, the proverbial noose around his neck could now tighten properly. The pop singer has received an arrest warrant from the Dinslaken district court, reports RUHR24 *. The 49-year-old doesn’t normally make any statements about such decisions – until now.

Pop singer Michael Wendler
Born June 22, 1972 (age 49) in Dinslaken
Current spouse Laura Müller (married 2020)
children Adeline Norberg

Michael Wendler: Statement on Instagram about his arrest warrant

Because Michael Wendler responded to the arrest warrant * on his favorite platform Telegram and took a direct stand. Just a few minutes after the verdict on Tuesday (July 20), he wrote to Telegram that a statement on his part would follow shortly (all news about celebrities from NRW * on RUHR24).

Seems as if Michael Wendler followed his trial from Florida very closely, after all, it was the middle of the night for him. On Wednesday (July 21), the statement finally followed, which was probably discussed beforehand with his lawyer.

Arrest warrant against Michael Wendler: Pop singer rejects all allegations on Telegram

“I dismiss all allegations and accusations against me from the penal order from the Duisburg public prosecutor,” Michael Wendler begins his statement on Telegram *. “I did not commit the acts I was accused of. I should have allegedly helped to transfer 179 hits from me from my ex-wife Claudia Norberg as the alleged rights holder. “

However, this accusation is “absurd” because Claudia Norberg did not compose any of the songs and therefore does not have the rights to these songs. “It is for this reason that I have requested a trial on this matter myself. I am not officially withdrawing from the procedure, nor do I want to delay this procedure. “

Michael Wendler: Dinslaken district court issues an arrest warrant for the pop singer

Michael Wendler also commented in his statement on the allegation that he had emigrated to the USA especially to avoid being punished in Germany. “My emigration was completely independent of the penal order from 2019 that the public prosecutor directed against me.”

The allegations of the district court in Dinslaken that Wendler had put money aside before his bankruptcy are “unfounded”. A personal statement could not be expected from the pop singer either. Seems like he doesn’t agree to fly to Germany for the trial.

Michael Wendler: The arrest warrant is only valid for Germany – is the pop singer now expelled?

“The main hearing could have been held. My lawyer was given full legal powers. The issuance of an arrest warrant was therefore made without any reason and may only serve to create a mood and prejudice ”, Michael Wendler ends his statement.

Laura Müller und Ehemann Michael Wendler bei einem ihrer ersten Auftritte in der Tubinenhalle.


Laura Müller and Michael Wendler in September 2019. It was one of the couple’s first appearances. Less than a year and a half later, they can no longer be found in public appearances.

What Michael Wendler did not take into account in his statement: The US authorities are also aware of the arrest warrant. However, this only applies if the pop singer touches German soil. If the 49-year-old is sentenced to a suspended sentence without his presence in Germany, for example, this is officially considered a criminal record.

And that’s exactly when he could lose his green card, with which Michael Wendler can legally live and work in the USA. Without his residence permit, he would have to leave his adopted home and come back to Germany. That could be the downfall for the pop singer’s career. * RUHR24 is part of the IPPEN.MEDIA editorial network.

List of rubric lists: © Rolf Vennenbernd / dpa

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