NewsLarge differences in corona infection between children and adults

Large differences in corona infection between children and adults

According to a new Corona study, the risk of transmitting the virus in children is significantly lower than in adults. What is the reason for that?

Hamburg – The coronavirus * has been circulating in Germany for over a year and a half – a total of over four million people have already contracted a Covid 19 infection. In most cases, this takes place via the so-called droplet infection and via aerosols – this is the name given to tiny suspended particles in a gas. But who is the fastest and most likely to become infected with the flu? At first it was said that the risk of infection and also the risk of a more serious course in children was significantly lower than in adults and sick or elderly people. With the third corona wave, however, a new phenomenon emerged: A high increase in the number of infections was measured, especially in children and adolescents between 0 and 14 years of age. Now a new study on the subject has been published – with clear results. * reveals why children are much less contagious than adults.

The study comes from a team led by the expert Professor Dirk Mürbe from the Berlin Charité. The results of the investigation will be presented on Friday, September 17, 2021 at the UKE in Hamburg. According to Mürbe, the numbers are suitable for better balancing out precautionary measures in daycare centers and schools, according to the Hamburger * Abendblatt. * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

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