The Tax Administration Service ( SAT ) extended to December 31 of this year, the term for the non-application of fines and penalties in the event that the invoice with the Carta Porte complement is not issued with all the applicable requirements.
At a press conference last week, the president of the Mexican Institute of Public Accountants (IMCP), Laura Grajeda warned that the conditions do not exist for the obligation to issue the Carta Porte to come into force on October 1st.
According to SAT figures, only 67,000 taxpayers are issuing invoices with a Carta Porte complement, a low rate compared to a total of 14 million companies that are required to do so.
“The SAT thanks the taxpayers who have implemented the use of the invoice with the Carta Porte complement with all its requirements and an invitation is made to those who are missing to carry it out within the new term,” the Treasury reported.
Thanks to the communication with the transport sectors, the institutional ABC is strengthened to increase collection, reduce tax evasion and avoidance and combat corruption, said the tax authority.