NewsLoyal until death: dog lies on the grave of...

Loyal until death: dog lies on the grave of his murdered master

Created: 10/06/2022 08:28 am

Will Warner und sein Hund auf einem Boot
Will Warner was brutally murdered. No one has yet been held accountable for the crime. © Screenshot BW24/Facebook/Christy West Warner

James William “Will” Warner was only 22 years old. Cruelly murdered, he passed away far too young. The photo of his grieving dog goes around the world.

Shelbyville – The dog is called man’s best friend for a reason. Faithful, loving and loyal, they accompany their masters and mistresses through life – and often even afterwards, as a case from the USA shows. James William “Will” Warner was found dead in the summer of 2021. He was shot and left badly injured on the street to die. On the same day, his girlfriend was also shot in the head and taken to a hospital with serious injuries.

While Hannah Grace Perryman survived the gruesome attack, help came too late for Will Warner. His parents had to bury their son. Not only were family and friends in shock, Will’s dog was also in deep sorrow.

Dog mourns his murdered master – “My heart is broken after seeing this”

Will Warner was buried just two days after his murder. “I couldn’t even pick out the coffin. Everything was stolen from us,” his mother Christy Warner West wrote on social media after her son’s death. His dog also accompanied him on his last journey. Will’s mom posted a heartbreaking photo. On the fresh mound of earth on Will’s grave lies his faithful friend, visibly in mourning. “My heart broke after seeing this,” she wrote on Facebook.

The story of Picasso and Newt is also heartbreaking. The two disfigured dogs became best friends in their new home.

Will Warner’s favorite thing to do was to be out and about with his animals, his mother reports. “Every second I was with Will was a joy. He was just a good boy,” she recalls.

A year after the murder, Will Warner’s family still have many questions. Why was he shot? What did his killer intend to do with it? Days after the incident, police arrested 25-year-old Samuel Earl Rich for the attempted murder of Will’s girlfriend, Hannah Grace Perryman. However, the investigators could not establish a proven connection between the perpetrator and Will Warner’s death.

Will Warner’s killer has not been brought to justice to this day

The entire incident has left investigators with many unanswered questions to this day. Why did Samuel Earl Rich target Hannah Grace Perryman? Why did he then steal Will’s car only to leave him bleeding and with gunshot wounds on the street? What was his motive?

Questions that still concern Will’s family. To date, no one has been held accountable for Will Warner’s death. His mother Christy Warner West keeps calling on social media under the hashtag #JusticeForWill to bring Samuel Earl Rich to justice for the murder of her son. “Please pray that the perpetrator will pay for the horrible crime he committed.”

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