NewsMany Germans want to wear masks even after a...

Many Germans want to wear masks even after a pandemic

The face mask will probably be with us for a long time. Every second German citizen wants to continue to wear a mask to protect against disease even after the corona pandemic.

Berlin (dpa) – Even after the corona pandemic, according to a survey, almost half of the people in Germany want to continue to wear masks to protect against diseases.

According to a representative survey by the opinion research institute Civey on behalf of the “Augsburger Allgemeine”, 44.7 percent of those questioned were in favor. On the other hand, 41.9 percent of those questioned want to permanently do without the piece of cloth in front of their mouth and nose. The rest is a tie.

Corona measures such as wearing a mask, keeping your distance and frequent washing of hands also significantly reduced the number of other infectious diseases. A decline was particularly noticeable in infectious diseases, which, like the coronavirus, are transmitted by droplets. According to the information, last year there were only around a third of the norovirus cases of 2019. The flu season 20/21 was almost completely canceled. The flu season had already come to an early end in spring 2020. This has also already been attributed to the corona measures.

Whether the question of wearing the mask is also approved after the pandemic also seems to depend on which party the respondents are close to. AfD and FDP supporters therefore want to largely do without the masks after Corona. Eight out of ten AfD voters and around two thirds of the FDP voters said that. SPD and Greens voters see it differently: a narrow majority each want to pick up the piece of material again when, for example, the flu season is approaching.

Age also plays a role in whether people want to keep wearing masks after the pandemic. According to the Civey poll, 54.1 percent of people over 65 were in favor. For 18 to 29 year olds, however, a majority (50.5 percent) were against using the mask in everyday life in the future.

And there are also differences between the sexes: While 41.2 percent of men have a positive view of the mask even after the pandemic, the figure is 48.2 percent for women. In contrast, 46.7 percent of men reject the mask after the pandemic – and only 37.3 percent of women.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210602-99-829371 / 2

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