NewsMartyrdom of Monaco: Princess Charlène unhappy for years -...

Martyrdom of Monaco: Princess Charlène unhappy for years – new details known

Charlène of Monaco has been looking very sad lately. Allegedly, the princess has been unhappy for several years.

Monaco – How is Princess Charlène of Monaco? A question that fans of the Monegasque principality have been asking themselves for some time. Because the aristocratic professional swimmer largely keeps her private life away from the public. The 43-year-old only publishes targeted exceptions on her social network accounts. After being trapped in South Africa for ten months due to operations, the Princess recently returned to Monaco. “A reunion full of joy and emotion,” said the palace’s Facebook page at the time. But the royal luck did not last long: after just a few weeks, the 43-year-old left the principality again. What is the matter with Princess Charlène of Monaco?

In-depth research has dealt with Charlène’s career and reveals a story of suffering that should begin in 2011 – the wedding year in which Charlène became princess. Coming to terms with the past could also explain how the 43-year-old’s life and marriage will continue.

Princess Charlène of Monaco: Apparently unhappy for years

Shortly after her return from South Africa, Charlène left the Monegasque principality again. Allegedly, the princess withdrew to a Swiss special clinic for health reasons. Prince Albert II’s spouse had also commented on the Princess’s quick departure: “She had undergone various operations in the past few months. That is certainly a factor. […] She suffered from unbelievable fatigue. She slept very badly for a few days and ate very little, ”Albert said in an interview with People magazine.

But is that the real reason they are disappearing so quickly? There have long been rumors about the marriage crisis of the Monegasque princely couple. It is said again and again that Charlène has been deeply unhappy for several years. This has been known to those close to the royal family for some time. A source who got in touch with the US news portal The Daily Beast reports of a sad “lunch” in the Palais Princier in Monaco. Princess Charlène would have sobbed softly throughout the meal. “Albert hadn’t noticed that his wife was crying,” says the source, who apparently wants to remain anonymous. It was “extremely uncomfortable”. “I couldn’t understand why she didn’t just get up and leave. I could only guess that she wanted her misfortune to be seen. “

Charlène von Monaco: hustle and bustle during the wedding with Prince Albert II.

Her story of suffering should have started in the course of the wedding in 2011. Charlène and Albert II had already met in 2000. During their wedding, the newly crowned princess is said to have been close to tears, reports the US news portal. However, it would not have looked like tears of joy. In this country, too, it was said that Charlène had “looked tense” at the beginning of the wedding. Compared to the British newspaper The Times, the princess explained her tears as a “mix of emotions that built up” and broke out during the wedding. “I was so overwhelmed. […] And then I cried even more because I thought: ‘Oh no, the whole world saw me cry.’ “

Charlène von Monaco während der Hochzeit mit Prinz Albert II. im Jahr 2011.


Charlène of Monaco during the wedding to Prince Albert II in 2011. (archive photo)

The palace proved to be very decisive for her future family member: Shortly before the wedding, the professional swimmer is said to have traveled to South Africa to try on a wedding dress. At the embassy of the Principality there, she had been stripped of her passport and made to fly back to Monaco. The French Journal du Dimanche wrote about it. Something similar happened a little later: a few weeks before the wedding, Charlène tried to enter South Africa again, but was intercepted at Nice airport, according to reports. The palace rejects history as “completely insane” to this day.

Charlène von Monaco: Probably not accepted by the princely family

The years after the wedding were therefore marked by unsightly rumors. Albert II has always been known for his women’s stories, reports the US news portal The Daily Beast. Allegedly, the prince had already admitted to having two illegitimate children before his marriage to Charlène. Meanwhile, paternity proceedings with a third child from 2005 are pending – a phase in which the prince had just met Charlène Wittstock. However, Albert II rejected the rumors about the paternity trial as an attempt at extortion.

According to other sources, Charlène was never really accepted by the royal family of Monaco. The reason would have been the bourgeois background of the princess. In addition, the family had nothing to do with Charlène’s passion for swimming and the princess received little support, especially from her husband’s sisters. Caroline, Princess of Hanover and Albert’s older sister, didn’t like Charlène very much – and often tried to see “discord”, it is said.

Ten years after the wedding, it has become quiet about the 43-year-old Princess of Monaco. Since her break in South Africa, there have been few clear facts about her health and whereabouts. The rumors of a potential divorce are mounting. Various tabloid magazines name Christmas 2021 as the expiration date. But not if Prince Albert II has his way. He assures that everything is fine and that the princess’s quick departure is no cause for concern: “None of this has anything to do with our relationship. I want to make that absolutely clear. There are no problems in our relationship. “(Aa)

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