NewsMassive forest fires are raging in Europe - flames...

Massive forest fires are raging in Europe – flames claim hundreds of lives

Created:07/17/2022 3:47 p.m

Dozens of forest fires are raging in Europe. Regions in the Mediterranean are particularly affected. Hundreds of people are victims of the heat. An overview.

Frankfurt – Millions of tourists want to go on vacation again largely carefree this summer after two years of Corona. At the moment, however, this only seems possible to a limited extent.

Due to the extreme drought and strong winds, forest fires are raging in large parts of Europe. Fire brigades are on duty almost continuously to bring the flames under control in popular holiday regions, among others.

Forest fires rage in Europe: At least 360 people die in Spain

Spain has been plagued by persistent drought and extreme heat with temperatures of up to 45 degrees for months. According to the meteorological institute Aemet, this should last at least until Monday (July 18). Then there should be some cooling down to around 35 degrees. However, the current heat wave has killed at least 360 people in Spain. This was reported by the Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia on Saturday (July 17), citing information from the Carlos III state health institute. Older people or people with previous illnesses are particularly affected.

Ein Feuerwehrmann bei Löscharbeiten vor einem brennenden Waldgebiet im Südwesten Frankreichs. Starke Winde und heißes, trockenes Wetter erschweren die Bemühungen der französischen Feuerwehr, einen riesigen Waldbrand einzudämmen.
A firefighter puts out the fire in front of a burning forest area in south-west France. Strong winds and hot, dry weather hamper efforts by French firefighters to contain a huge wildfire. © Service Communication Protocol SDIS 33/AP/dpa

Agriculture is also suffering from the persistent heat. Many people had to leave their homes because of the flames. “I burned 130 beehives,” a farmer in the western Spanish region of Caceres told Spanish state TV broadcaster RTVE . Many animals die by fire, others die of thirst due to drought. “It will take years for the landscape to recover here,” said an observer of the flames raging in Monfragüe National Park.

Forest fires in Europe: State of emergency in Portugal

Something similar is happening in neighboring Portugal . Fires have been raging on the Iberian Peninsula for a week, which is why the state of emergency applies up to and including Sunday. Accordingly, no campfires should be lit in the forest. In addition, staying in forests is generally very limited. Between July 7 and July 13, 238 people died due to the heat, the Lusa news agency reported.

Fire in Italy: bathers save themselves in the sea

The fires are also raging in the popular holiday destination of Italy . “A quarter of the forest fires were probably caused by cigarette butts. Any risky behavior that could cause a forest fire must be avoided at all costs,” said Arnold Schuler, Provincial Forestry Councilor of South Tyrol. At the popular bathing resort of Bibione, visitors escaped the flames into the sea on Friday (July 15). While the highest level of danger was declared in Sicily for Sunday, authorities in Sardinia also warned of forest fires.

Due to the dry winter and spring, the north of Italy is particularly affected by drought, and water bodies have less water than usual. Authorities warn against jumping into Lake Garda given the low water level. Fountains were turned off in Milan and Venice. The government in Rome declared the drought emergency in five regions:

  • Lombardy
  • Piedmont
  • Veneto
  • Friuli Venezia Giulia
  • Emilia Romagna

Risk of forest fires in Europe: dozens of fires in Greece every day

Greece has so far been spared the severe heat in Western Europe, but it is still hot and dry. Dozens of forest fires break out every day. Even if these can usually be contained quickly, the flames spread almost unhindered in strong winds. On Wednesday (July 13) two crew members died when a fire-fighting helicopter crashed in Greece.

The second highest warning level therefore applies in some regions around Athens and the islands of Crete and Euboea, Lesbos and Samos as well as for the north-east of the Peloponnese peninsula. Tourists, but also locals, must expect that towns and villages could be evacuated as a precautionary measure due to an approaching fire.

Fires in Europe: rail traffic in France affected

There is also a high risk of forest fires in southern France . Devastating forest fires have been raging south of Bordeaux for days, according to the responsible prefecture of the Gironde department. The heat should continue for the time being, there doesn’t seem to be any rain for the time being. Heat warnings are now also in North-West Brittany.

Because of forest fire warnings in the southern regions of France, such as on the Atlantic coast south of Bordeaux, forest and country roads may not be entered or driven on. In the heat, the rails heat up, which is why the trains of the French SNCF sometimes run slower in high temperatures and delays can occur.

While it was comparatively cool in Germany , there should be maximum values of up to 40 degrees in the coming days. According to a forecast by the German Weather Service (DWD), the peak of the heat, especially in the southwest and west, should be reached on Tuesday (July 19). (kas/dpa)

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