Oh yes, our Astro-Matze and the magic of numbers
You can calculate a lot: account turnover, beer consumption, discount purchases. Only when it comes to lottery winnings is it rather depressing – because it’s always the others who win. The drinks supplier can still say happily: “If you don’t play, you don’t need to dream.” Matthias Maurer , our Astro beamer from Saarland, who is currently raving about space on all channels, not only dreams of the moon, but is also convinced that there are aliens.
He didn’t see any when he was on the International Space Station, but: “If you think about how many billions of galaxies there are and how many billions of solar systems are in each galaxy, the probability that there is a solar system similar to ours with a second earth, is significantly greater than winning the lottery.” The 52-year-old recently told the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung” and added that – even if the vast majority of people don’t win a lottery – this equation clearly applies to the existence of extraterrestrial life. “Someone on this earth still wins something like that again and again.” Means for him: “There is most likely life out there.” But, according to Maurer, these should not be “green men” as they are more common in science fiction films had been seen.
Well, he should do the math again. Also, there have been no green men in movies for a long time. Boris Halva