NewsMayor election in Tübingen: Does Boris Palmer stand without...

Mayor election in Tübingen: Does Boris Palmer stand without the backing of a party?

In autumn, Tübingen will elect a new mayor. The incumbent Boris Palmer could run without the backing of the Greens.

Tübingen – When a new mayor for the university town of Tübingen is elected in autumn, his name will probably not be Boris Palmer, the candidate of the Greens. The incumbent announced that due to the ongoing party exclusion proceedings against him, he would not be allowed to stand in his party's primary election. Instead, the controversial politician, who has been in charge of the city's fortunes for 15 years, could compete without a party. So far, however, his participation has not yet been officially confirmed.
BW24* reveals why Boris Palmer could run independently in the mayoral election in Tübingen.

Due to several controversial statements, the Greens have repeatedly wanted to exclude Boris Palmer from the party. The last time Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann put himself in front of his party colleagues to protect him. *BW24 is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

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