NewsMichael Wendler: Arrest warrant! District court in North Rhine-Westphalia...

Michael Wendler: Arrest warrant! District court in North Rhine-Westphalia is now taking action

Michael Wendler once again did not appear in Germany for a court hearing. That has consequences for the pop singer.

Update, Tuesday (July 20), 11:30 a.m.: Dinslaken – Pop singer Michael Wendler (49) did not appear before the district court in Dinslaken today. The court had previously ordered his personal presence, but the 49-year-old did not sit on the plane to Germany, reports RUHR24 *.

Pop singer Michael Wendler
Born June 22, 1972 (age 49) in Dinslaken
Current spouse Laura Müller (married 2020)
children Adeline Norberg

Michael Wendler does not appear before the district court in Dinslaken

When the hearing began at 9 a.m., Wendler’s lawyer filed an application that his client be released from the requirement to be present, reports However, the court did not grant the request, and the hearing continued anyway. Before the start of the trial, judge Henning Bierhaus said to Bild : “The accused was summoned through diplomatic channels with the help of the US authorities.

In the event of his non-appearance, the penalty order challenged by him could become final. Then he would have a criminal record. It may be possible to negotiate without him if his defense attorney appears. And an arrest warrant could be issued against him. Until a judgment is reached, however, the presumption of innocence applies to us. “

Michael Wendle: Dinslaken district court issues an arrest warrant

At that time, many media representatives had already gathered in front of the doors of the district court. The reason: Exactly two seats in the courtroom were reserved for the press. In this case, whoever came first served first. But nobody could take a look at Michael Wendler. Meanwhile, he was probably lying in bed and slumbering peacefully – after all, when the trial started in Germany, it was 3 a.m. in Florida for him.

If he opens his eyes in a few hours, however, he has to put up with some unpleasant news. The district court of Dinslaken has issued an arrest warrant against Michael Wendler. Now he could actually be deported from the USA. He has lived there since 2017 with a so-called green card.

First report, Friday (July 9th), 3 p.m .: Will Michael Wendler (49) be back in Germany soon? The pop singer could be on the plane to Germany in the next few days – but not entirely voluntarily.

Michael Wendler: Pop singer has to go to Germany for a court date

No matter how far you try to escape, the judiciary will always somehow catch up with you. Michael Wendler seems to be experiencing this firsthand. Because the pop singer, who “never wanted to set foot in Germany again”, as he always emphasized, has to do exactly that in the next few days (more news about celebrities and TV from NRW at RUHR24).

The reason for this is a trial at the Dinslaken District Court, Michael Wendler’s old hometown *. The singer is accused of “aiding and abetting the foreclosure”, reports the Rheinische Post . However, the 49-year-old cannot attend the trial from the USA. The reason: Wendler has already canceled three trial dates in July, autumn and December 2020. So the court has now summoned him, the mere presence of his lawyer no longer seems to be enough.

Michael Wendler: Did the pop singer put money aside?

Apparently there should not be a fourth chance for the pop singer – and no pity either, because he first has to travel to Germany by plane from the USA. In order for Michael Wendler to really appear in Germany *, even the US authorities are said to have been informed. These are supposed to ensure that the pop singer actually gets on the plane.

After all, Michael Wendler lives with his wife Laura Müller (20) in Cape Coral, Florida. There he lives in a luxury villa – but only for rent. Does that have anything to do with the official insolvency? Daughter Adeline Norberg moved to California (USA) to study (expensive) just a few weeks ago.

Video: Michael Wendler – based on Laura Müller: It also looks completely different

Michael Wendler in court: The pop singer faces jail time

But what does the charge of the Dinslaken District Court against Michael Wendler actually mean? The pop singer is considered insolvent, but has a lot of debts. All of Michael Wendler’s income should actually go to his creditors – but that should not have happened. “Aiding and abetting the foreclosure” therefore means that one has sold parts of one’s assets or put them aside so that the creditors do not get their money back.

Laura Müller und Ehemann Michael Wendler bei einem ihrer ersten Auftritte in der Tubinenhalle.


Laura Müller and Michael Wendler in September 2019. It was one of the couple’s first appearances. Less than a year and a half later, they can no longer be found in public appearances.

If Michael Wendler is really convicted, the pop singer faces a heavy fine or even a prison sentence of up to two years. It is not yet possible to foresee when the Dinslaken District Court will come to a judgment. But either way it’s another defeat for the pop singer, who now only makes negative headlines. * RUHR24 is part of the IPPEN.MEDIA editorial network.

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