NewsMichael Wendler: In the middle of the process, important...

Michael Wendler: In the middle of the process, important evidence suddenly emerges

In the middle of Michael Wendler’s trial, evidence is now emerging. Can it be that the pop singer is now found guilty?

Dinslaken / NRW – Is Michael Wendler (49) guilty or is he not? The Dinslaken District Court is currently concerned with this. The pop singer is said to have put assets aside before his foreclosure, reports RUHR24 *. Now possible evidence has surfaced.

Pop singer Michael Wendler
Born June 22, 1972 (age 49) in Dinslaken
Current spouse Laura Müller (married 2020)
children Adeline Norberg

Michael Wendler: Did the pop singer secretly put money aside?

“Aiding and abetting the foreclosure” is the official allegation of the local court. Specifically: Before a foreclosure, Michael Wendler is said to have put money and valuables aside * so that his assets are reduced and creditors cannot get their money (all news about celebrities from NRW * at RUHR24).

“I reject all allegations and allegations against me from the penalty order of the Duisburg public prosecutor’s office. I did not commit the acts I was accused of, “explains Michael Wendler about the process on Telegram *. But is he really as innocent as he claims to be?

Michael Wendler: Bank statements should prove criminal offense – evidence should come from Timo Berger

Because now account statements have appeared that speak a completely different language. The Bild newspaper has documents from the US bank Chase. These documents presumably come from Wendler’s arch enemy Timo Berger, who posted the photos on Instagram * and wrote: “How does the picture know that?” With an emoji sticking out his tongue.

The bank documents should show that the majority of Wendler’s fee, which he received from RTL in 2020, is in the account of “Cape Music Inc.”. However, the account statements also show that Michael Wendler had a total of $ 354,000 from the RTL payments exchanged for 5 kilos of gold and 2 ounces of gold before he was kicked out of DSDS * in October 2020 – in his name.

Michael Wendler has his money exchanged for gold – what is he going to do with it?

In addition, a total of $ 172,000 should have been withdrawn from the account. However, it is not clear whether Michael Wendler or his daughter Adeline Norberg, who officially runs the company. Also unclear: where has all the money and gold gone?

Video: Doesn’t Michael Wendler take the arrest warrant seriously?

Gold is not only popular as an investment in times of crisis, but also for tax advantages. Above all, with gold, a certain amount of money can be quickly hidden and also put aside if you have to. For example, when the dish sits on your neck.

Michael Wendler reports back to Telegram with a statement

Michael Wendler has now also discovered the bank information that has emerged – he therefore made a statement on Telegram: “I am an employee of the company ‘Cape Music USA’ and neither managing director nor owner of the company. My extensive tasks include various activities in the company. Bank transactions and contracts are also part of it. “

Laura Müller und Ehemann Michael Wendler bei einem ihrer ersten Auftritte in der Tubinenhalle.


Laura Müller and Michael Wendler in September 2019. It was one of the couple’s first appearances. Less than a year and a half later, they can no longer be seen in public appearances.

It is not clear whether Michael Wendler has exchanged his money as an investment or to hide it in gold. And as long as the pop singer has not yet been officially convicted, the presumption of innocence continues to apply. * RUHR24 is part of the IPPEN.MEDIA editorial network.

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