NewsMillion Compensation for Andre Hill's Family

Million Compensation for Andre Hill's Family

Shortly before Christmas, a white policeman shot dead unarmed Hill in Columbus, Ohio. Now the city is paying the victim’s family $ 10 million in compensation.

Washington (AP) – After the death of a black man in a controversial police operation in the United States, the city of Columbus and the victim’s family agreed on compensation of ten million dollars.

“No amount of money will ever bring Andre Hill back to his family, but we believe this is an important and necessary step in the right direction,” said Ohio state attorney Zach Klein, according to US media reports.

As part of the comparison, the city is also naming a sports hall in Columbus after Andre Hill. His family and their lawyers thanked the city officials. Attorney Ben Crump announced that the healing process for all concerned could now begin. The broadcaster CNN reported that the compensation amount that has now been agreed – the equivalent of 8.2 million euros – is the highest in the history of the city. The city council still has to agree.

Shortly before Christmas, a local resident called the Columbus police to a garage one night. When the 47-year-old Andre Hill approached the officers after the officers had arrived, a white police officer opened fire. Hill – who was unarmed – hit four bullets and died. The policeman was released a few days after the incident and is charged with murder. He is accused of using disproportionate force, not helping the dying person and disregarding official duties.

The end of May marks the anniversary of the death of the African American George Floyd in a brutal police operation in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Under the motto “Black Lives Matter”, there were mass demonstrations against police violence and racism for months in the USA, some of which were overshadowed by riots.

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