With the new Infection Protection Act, the validity of the corona vaccination certificates is changing. This redefines who is considered to be basic immunized.
Frankfurt – Before most of the measures against Corona were eliminated in the spring of this year, the question of basic immunization was a dominant topic. Hardly any area of society could do without admission restrictions in the form of 3G, 2G or even 2G+ rules. A corresponding app on the cell phone, which certified the citizens: inside their basic immunization, became a constant companion for restaurant visits or participation in events during the pandemic.
When the new infection protection law negotiated by Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) and Justice Minister Marco Buschmann (FDP) with new corona rules comes into force on October 1 of this year, the provision on who is considered to be basic immunized will be renewed.
Millions of corona vaccination certificates will soon expire: Who is affected?
According to the Federal Ministry of Health, the vaccination certificates issued after two vaccinations are only valid until September 30, 2022 as proof of a complete vaccination. From October 1st, a booster vaccination (i.e. a third vaccination) is then generally required in order to be considered “fully vaccinated”.
Corona vaccination certificates are expiring – in individual cases, two vaccinations are sufficient to be considered basic immunization
According to the current status, a basic corona immunization is still available until September 30th in the following cases:
- after three single vaccinations
- after two single vaccinations
- after a single vaccination:
plus positive antibody test before first vaccination OR
plus a SARS-CoV-2 infection detected by a PCR test before the first vaccination OR
plus a SARS-CoV-2 infection detected by a PCR test after the first vaccination; 28 days must have passed since the test. - Source: Federal Ministry of Health
From October 1st, citizens will be considered “fully vaccinated” if:
- after three individual vaccinations (the last individual vaccination must have been given at least three months after the second individual vaccination)
- after two single vaccinations:
plus positive antibody test before first vaccination OR
plus a SARS-CoV-2 infection detected by a PCR test before the second vaccination OR
plus a SARS-CoV-2 infection detected by a PCR test after the second vaccination; 28 days must have passed since the test - Source: Federal Ministry of Health
With the beginning of the cold season, it can be assumed that the population will become more aware of the daily number of corona cases and incidences. Research on corona antibodies provides new hope in combating the currently predominant omicron variant.