NewsMission ended after chemical accident in Mannheim

Mission ended after chemical accident in Mannheim

Created: 09/02/2022 12:57 p.m

Gefahrgutaustritt Mannheim
The fire brigade cooled the container, which was filled with 200 barrels of hydrosulfite. © Dieter Leder/dpa

After the chemical accident in the port of Mannheim, the last barrels have now been recovered from the accident container. Experts are now investigating how the accident could have happened.

Mannheim – One and a half weeks after the chemical accident in the Mannheim port, the last barrels have been recovered from the accident container. The emergency services began on Friday to dismantle their equipment. The city of Mannheim announced that the container would also be removed by a special company. The salvage went smoothly and without incident on the second day. 17 people were slightly injured by the escape of toxic gases from the container on Tuesday last week.

At the chemical company BASF, which wanted to sell the barrels with hydrosulfite to Turkey, the investigation into the cause continues. A spokesman for the company said that external and internal experts were examining each of the almost 200 barrels. These were brought to the company’s own areas by the terminal operator Contargo.

The spokesman explained that it was not yet possible to say in which direction the investigation of the cause could go. dpa

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