NewsMoritz Bleibtreu relies on dialogue - but not social...

Moritz Bleibtreu relies on dialogue – but not social media

The actor thinks it is important that people deal with one another. On the other hand, he does not consider discussions on social media to be very profitable.

Berlin – The actor Moritz Bleibtreu (50) relies on dialogue in times of crisis such as the corona pandemic.

“The situation is made for people to let themselves be more and more divided and to divide more and more apart. I try to use something like this as an opportunity to approach people even more. Especially to those who may have a different opinion, ”said Bleibtreu of the German press agency.

The 50-year-old is extremely critical of social media in this context, as it would not allow real communication. “I believe that any discussion that appears in comment columns on social media is obsolete and just makes things worse.”

In addition, from his point of view, one does not always have to express his opinion publicly on all topics. “I don’t think that a discussion that goes on forever will bring positive results in the end. Sometimes it’s also good to be quiet. “

Bleibtreu can be seen since this Thursday in the series “Blackout”, which runs on the Joyn streaming service. In it he plays a hacker who wants to solve a Europe-wide power failure. The six-part series is based on Marc Elsberg’s bestseller. dpa

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