Tech UPTechnologyMosquitoes with a lot of smell

Mosquitoes with a lot of smell

anopheles Scientists at Yale University have identified more than two dozen olfactory receptors in malaria-transmitting mosquitoes that specialize in detecting substances present in human sweat . By canceling out this "bloodhound smell" that leads insects to their victims, scientists predict that this disease, which kills one million people every year, could be effectively combated, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Similar to other disease-carrying insects, the Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes that transmit malaria locate their human target primarily through smell. The researchers, led by John Carlson, modified mosquito olfactory receptor genes in transgenic fruit flies to study odors one by one. This allowed them to identify 27 receptors that respond to human odors, as published today in the journal Nature .

"The world desperately needs new ways to control these mosquitoes, effective, inexpensive and environmentally friendly ways," says John Carlson, who is now searching for compounds that block Anopheles smell receptors to make new repellants. .

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