FunNomophobia, the disorder of being hooked on screens

Nomophobia, the disorder of being hooked on screens

Do you know what nomophobia is ? Being hooked on screens is something that 81% of young Spaniards suffer. And it is that they spend no less than an average of 6 hours and 54 minutes a day using the Internet.

We discover nomophobia, that irrational fear of staying a period of time without a mobile phone. The term is an acronym for the English expression ” no-mobile-phone phobia “.

Recent data from the Center for Specialized Studies on Anxiety Disorders show that almost 53% of Spaniards suffer from nomophobia, a figure rises to 81% in the case of the youngest according to a study by the OnePoll company.

Healthy digital routine

Lead by example

Qustodio recommends that both neuroscientists and psychologists claim that minors learn things in two ways: trial and error and through observation.

That is where mirror neurons come into play and it is the way in which minors begin to understand how to interact with the environment based on what their referents do, in this case, their parents.

Mandatory digital disconnection at home

Since a hybrid teleworking model was imposed on many companies, almost 7 out of 10 Spaniards claim to answer work calls outside working hours, as shown by the latest data provided by the Infojobs platform.

What we must do is turn off our electronic devices, respect work schedules and spend more time in other outdoor activities can have a beneficial effect on our children.

Manage times

According to Qustodio data, 37% of families do not establish an hourly limit on the use of screens at home. The time of use by minors that has grown 76% in social networks, 49% in communication applications, 25% in online video platforms and 23% in video games.

Digital security platforms

According to the National Competition Market Commission (CNMC), 74% of parents know that these parental control applications exist, but only 1 in 10 families use them. With all this we reduce nomophobia.

By using these types of tools, it is possible to avoid arguments with children and start to adopt digital routines.

Go out to do activities outside the home

All this would be reduced much more if we manage to carry out a greater number of activities outdoors and outside the home . There are many things that must be done to solve it.


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