NewsNosferatu spider or house angle spider - that's the...

Nosferatu spider or house angle spider – that's the difference

Created: 8/31/2022 2:36 p.m

A Nosferatu spider sits on a block of wood in Stuttgart, Germany. It differs from the house angle spider in some features. © Robert Pfeifle/Nabu/dpa

The Nosferatu spider makes its way through Baden-Württemberg, but at first glance it is not so easy to distinguish it from the house spider. Or is it? Those are the different characteristics.

The loud screams in the neighborhood are becoming more frequent. The reason is often a few centimeters in size and causes guesswork in more and more households in Baden-Württemberg. Nosferatu Spider or House Angle Spider? What kind of crawling animal do we have in our kitchen, in our bathroom or on the wall? What is the difference?

At first glance, the two spider species can look very similar. Especially since the people in Baden-Württemberg are mainly familiar with the house spider ( read here : Is the house spider dangerous? Drive away the animals with simple tips).

The Nosferatu spider comes to Baden-Württemberg via the autobahn and freight traffic

The Nosferatu spider is newer to Germany, is found primarily in Baden-Württemberg and Rhineland-Palatinate, and is increasingly spreading via trade routes such as highways and freight and cargo traffic coming from the south.

The reports on the most recent sightings are all the same, but they take place in a wide variety of places. Whether on the toilet seat, in the bedroom or recently even in the supermarket. At the Nabu Baden-Württemberg you can now enter and list the finds of the Nosferatu spider in a reporting portal.

Nosferatu spider and house angle spider – the differences and features

But what are the key features that distinguish a Nosferatu spider from a house spider?

Characteristics of the Nosferatu spider are:

The body length of males reaches up to 13 millimeters, females can grow up to 19 millimeters. With outstretched legs, the animals easily reach 5 centimeters.

The front body (prosoma) is yellowish-white with extensive black markings and white eye field. The abdomen (opisthosoma) is yellow-whitish in front, gray in back and has a median black drawing.

The legs are yellowish-grey in color with black stripes. From her appearance she reminds of a big wolf spider. A special feature is that, thanks to their adhesive hairs on their feet, they can also stick to smooth surfaces such as e.g. B. can climb glass walls.

The characteristics of the house angle spider are:

The females reach a body length of up to 11.5 millimeters, the males up to nine millimeters, but have longer legs that can reach a span of eight centimeters.

The mark on the breastplate is constricted once in the middle, the four lateral spots vary greatly. The abdomen is much rounder. The body is densely covered with soft hair. The hairy and bristly legs are indistinctly ringed or spotted.

Nosferatu Spider – Respond correctly to Nest Find

But how should you actually react when you find a nest of the Nosferatu spider (more on that here)? Or the spider itself is present (read about it here)? In any case, the little creepy-crawlies are not funny for arachnophobics. This field report alone shows that.

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