News"Not a tourist attraction": Palace visitors block the way...

"Not a tourist attraction": Palace visitors block the way of the Queen's guard

Created: 08/01/2022 15:01

Die Soldaten der Queen‘s Guard sind Tag für Tag von Touristen umgeben, die den Buckingham-Palast besuchen. (Fotomontage)
Day after day, the Queen’s Guard soldiers are surrounded by tourists visiting Buckingham Palace. (Photomontage) © Screenshot/ & Jane Barlow/dpa

Because Queen Elizabeth II is her employer, the world-renowned Queen’s Guards must also abide by rules and regulations. Even how they get from A to B is clearly defined. Tourists visiting the palace should therefore avoid them.

LONDON – The safety of the British royal family is not in anyone’s hands. Anyone who wants to protect Queen Elizabeth II (96) and her imposing residences must belong to a select group of soldiers. The Queen’s Guards take their job very seriously, a controversial video shows.

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The majority of the royal bodyguards, who check things out in front of London’s Buckingham Palace, among other things, spend their working day standing up. The soldiers have assigned places, which are usually only a short walk away from each other. The change of their positions is always followed very closely by the curious tourists; however, one or the other visitor is not impressed by this.

A short TikTok clip shows a visitor in a t-shirt and shorts refusing to avoid the Queen’s guard. Even when she stands directly in front of him and speaks to him briefly, he doesn’t move. However, unlike his fellow Queen’s Guard, who recently loudly rebuked an approaching tourist, the soldier keeps his cool and walks past the middle-aged man.

Video splits the net: Did the Queen’s Guard behave correctly?

The video sparked heated debates online. While some users defend the tourist, who is described as “disrespectful” in the clip, and emphasize that he did not know the guard’s running route, others side with the life guard. “I don’t care if he didn’t know. He watched. If the guard comes towards you, you move,” clarified one angry user. Another commented that the soldiers were “not a tourist attraction”.

Queen Elizabeth should be angry that the behavior of the Queen’s Guard has caused a stir in the last few days. The royal family is struggling with further negative headlines, Royal dropout Prince Harry (37) is currently making a name for himself with his completed explosive memoirs. Sources used:

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