Germany is currently enjoying the late summer with lots of warmth and sun. But in November the good weather is over and it can get cold and wet.
Kassel – In October this year there are above-average temperatures and lots of sun. Meteorologists even speak of the fifth warmest October since 1881. But the good weather leaves us just in time for November and what remains is cold, wet and fog, because a massive cold front finds its way from Greenland to Germany. Luckily we still have a little time until then to enjoy what might be the last warm hours of sunshine of the year.
Weather in autumn: The temperature drop follows the golden October
We are currently in the middle of a period of fine weather, because warm air from the Sahara extends late summer well into October. This weekend (October 22nd, 2022) there is “best hiking and excursion weather” again, especially in the south of Germany with sometimes over 20 degrees, while it can get cloudy in the north.

“It’s like being on the autobahn,” reveals meteorologist Dominik Jung from about the low-pressure areas that are chasing over north-western Europe. But just in time for All Saints’ Day on November 1st, it currently looks like a possible “severe drop in temperature” within just three days. It goes up to “22 degrees down”, as Dominik Jung explains in the video with two impressive graphics. For the Alpine region, the meteorologist even speaks of a possible “onset of winter”.
Weather: November will be cold, wet and foggy
While the above-average mild weather will persist for the next week, the weather will change abruptly in November. Cool northerly winds will replace the warm south-westerly winds from North Africa and meteorologist Jan Schenk of The Weather Channel is forecasting fog, wind and rain and significantly falling temperatures, possibly even frost, for the second half of November.
Autumn really gets going in November and shows us its rather dreary and uncomfortable side. We will almost certainly have to turn on the heaters, especially at night, although these heating tricks will keep the apartment warm even without heating. Nevertheless, the north wind also brings advantages: “The rising wind is not so bad for energy production.” (lute)